Hi, I am Michael
This is me with my almost 2 year old daughter. I am from Grand Rapids Michigan.
I Work out of my house mostly doing freelance work. I transcribe music for a couple of music studios in the area. So they will request a song they want to do and I will write the sheet music. It can be a daunting task but also rewarding. My dream is to be able to write music for different forms of media, mainly video games, I really enjoying playing games in my spare time. If you are interested in listening to some of my music you can check me out on Soundcloud or Spotify. If you are into music as well drop me a line, I would love to learn, listen and grow with you.
Welcome Michael! Just listened to your Midnight Waltz that awakened my memories, very touching...
Thank you for taking a listen! I am working on more intimate music at the moment.
Welcome to you and your little one. Cute :)
Mine is half a year younger..
Awesome, that is a fun age, most of the time. She is certainly a handful.
Absolutely. And she loves to make music too: https://steemit.com/music/@sarasate/first-piano-lesson
That is too cute, in a couple months she might be trying to sing as well.
välkommen du och din barn
Welcome aboard @micbz, great to have you here!
Thanks for stoping by to say hi!
Welcome to Steemit Michael.
You're going to love this platform!Welcome @micbz!
Yeah, I think I am going to love it I have been shocked by the reception!
Nice to have you on board, Michael! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek
Welcome to steemit @micbz. You will do great here
Welcome! Have fun!
Welcome to Steemit Michael!
Hi, thanks for stopping by. You have some pretty cool pictures, I will have to take a closer when I get a chance.
Great and thank you, all the best!
Welcome to Steemit micbz!
My son is also a musician and all his life he's wanted to make video games. I'm currently helping him to produce his first game. Hopefully he gets it finished before technology makes it obsolete!
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Thanks for reading and I wish you success here on Steemit!
Thanks for the post. It has been a bit of a learning curve to figure out how this place works. I kind of just dove in head first, but thanks for the info it was concise. Also, if you guys need some music for the game, if you are that point in development. I would be interested in maybe helping out :)
Hi micbz, Thanks for the response. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started and it has been a huge learning curve for me. In fact there is much for me still to learn. I'll be adding stuff when I get enough to fill another post.
Thanks for your interest in the game. I'm pretty sure my son will be doing the music for this game and with the proceeds of that game we expect to be hiring help for the next one. What we really need right now is an artist that can draw the bits and pieces of the characters so that those pieces (arm, leg and head sections) can be animated in 2D. Please stay in touch.
Awesome, I will absolutely stay in touch and keep in eye on your post.
Welcome. The #music tag got off to a slow start but things are picking up now. Great to have you here. Great intro. You killed it!
Ha ha, thanks. Hopefully, we can bring the #music thread up to speed :) I am thinking about doing some blogging about how I approach writing music and production.
Hello welcome to steemit, I look forward to seeing some of your music on here!
Hi I cant wait to post some more, I was also thinking about maybe doing some blogs about how I write, to see if that is something people might find interesting.
Hi @micbz welcome to Steemit. It's great to have a new musician on here!
thank-you, your artwork is inspiring as well.
Oh thank you for checking it out! There is a lot of great work going on in the art community on steemit too #art :D
Welcome to Steemit @micbz
Nice of you to join us, it is a honour having you on this platform.
You can participate in the 50 Word Story Contest for new steemians for a chance to win Big.
Welcome to Steemit, Michael!
Awesome job that you have, it looks fun, if thats your passion but seems like it. You will contribute alot here. Enjoy!
Very nice! Trascribing music is the best way to learn how to compose.
Check June Lee out! He's an amazing musician and transcriber. He's transcribing the works of Jacob Collier.
I have seen a lot of June's work and it is absolutely incredible, not to mention the complex stuff that Jacob is doing.
Yes! Too much love for them.
Do you happen to know also Knower and Jacob Mann?
I have not heard of either of those but I will go check it out for sure.
Welcome to Steemit Michael! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)
Welcome!!! ^_^