Introducing Myself

Hi! I'm Michelle. I'm 19 years old. I'm from Venezuela. I love writing poetry and learning new languages. I've been learning English since I was 8 years old, my cousin was my first teacher but my parents decided to pay a course and I stayed there for 7 years. Now, I keep learning it by myself, listening to music, watching TV shows, reading books and writing. I have always wanted to learn new ones, like Dutch, French and Italian but nowadays in my country, courses are really expensive, I have tried to learn them by myself but it's harder when you don't have any prior knowledge.
As I said, I write poetry, it all began two years ago. I was going through a rough breakup and I have been writing since then. When I was a child, I used to write stories, my mom used to send them to a newspaper for children and I got one of them published. I have written stories these years too.
I hope you guys enjoy the content I will provide you! I'm very happy to join this site and experience this new adventure!


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Bienvenida amiga , nuevo seguidor , saludos :)