
Dzien dobry, ja tesz mowie po polsku. :I I´m half polish :)

Tak! Cześć @marcelina! Ha ha! I knew those eyes looked Slavic ;) I'm just back from 3 weeks vacation in Krakow and the Tatra mountains ... in fact my next post is a pic I took in Zakopane. Where are your family in Poland? You do become more enchanting by the minute @marcelina :)

Do u know what it means, when a german girl says "Thank´s for the flowers"? ;) (Thanks for ur compliment) Well my family is from Gliwice, but most of them are living here very close to my place. I´ve been to Zakopane as a child to learn skiing. I always loved it there. Snow Snow Snow

Gliwice in Silesia - I know where that it is. Cool. BTW my favourite German word of all is also my favourite wild flower: Vergissmeinnicht ! :)

Know it :) It´s some time ago I´ve been there. Want to spend my holidays there next year. Lookin forward to your post and your picture of Zakopane. Follow you!