can be more profitable than authoring blog posts.Thanks for sending me the link to this article, @okusarobert! It is a great bit of information for the super-newbies to get ahold of, and a good reminder to the rest of us. Commenting with thoughtful feedback, and also replying when people reply is a fantastic way to not only gain good followers, but it also pays in rewards. For a new minnow, making comments on other people's articles
I just took a look at your blog page, and found your introduction post. I have commented on it, and am going to include you in today's curation report even though I couldn't upvote or resteem your intro post. I did this so I could say I've upvoted and resteemed this article as my daily post promotion for people whom I have previously curated. (haa, haa)
You offer to do too much for me!!! I can't be grateful enough. And thanks for elaborating on the matter of comments and how they pay.
I will look over my introduction post shortly and read your comment. Thanks again.
You're welcome, @okusarobert! Glad to do it! @mitneb