Welcome, Adam! It's great to have you #pickingupsteem. :)
The guy who got you to join Bitshares 8 months ago
As a point of interest, Steem was created by largely the same team as made Bitshares.
Welcome, Adam! It's great to have you #pickingupsteem. :)
The guy who got you to join Bitshares 8 months ago
As a point of interest, Steem was created by largely the same team as made Bitshares.
Thanks! Great to see you here!
Welcome @adamkokesh and correct in @modprobe and bitshare founders are same as steemit.
Kokesh is a FBI/Russian double agent. Don't kiss his traitorous ass. Whistleblower Donald Marshall ousted him. I don't care if this comment gets flagged. I speak TRUTH