The Anticensor - My Introduction

My goal will be to utilize this platform to ingrain, entrench, fortify, and make better-known, materials that are commonly censored without good reason.

What are good reasons to censor? (In general)

  • A compellingly strong state interest such as to reduce child abuse (e.g. censoring child pornography)
  • To prevent imminent physical danger (e.g. censoring the documentation of an online user ("doxxing") if it is reasonable that someone might threaten the person's physical self or surroundings)
  • The above includes censoring the organization of violent crimes (e.g. censoring a tag intended to collect people in order to organize the murder of people in a specific city).

What are bad reasons to censor? (In general)

  • Religion
  • Your feelings
  • What you consider vulgar such as profanity
  • Nudity and sexual depictions

Who am I to determine the above?

  • As a user of the platform, I am given certain powers, guarantees, and ethical responsibilities. The use of these is largely to my discretion. Even if is controlled by a central authority, the blockchain itself is very difficult to censor. Therefore, I have come to the above determinations using ethics. The main ethical frameworks I use are of the "greater good for the most," as well as a utilitarian type framework. I categorically reject the religious "ethical" framework.