Thanks mate! I appreciate it!
I know what you mean too! I think a lot of people are members of sooo many sites that they just log in every now and again and don't really participate in much at all! I know that's how I am most of the time! Facebook is my main thing, so that's where I spend most of my time. But steemit, to me, is a whole new set of friends with a whole new set of interests! I always find that sites such as this are actually a lot better once you take the time, in that there is real discussion about real topics (and not as much sharing of everyday stuff) I enjoy that type of thing, of course! But, I find conversations and topics here are a lot more 'intelligent' for want of a better word! :)
Thanks again for your welcome! I look forward to following you too and getting to know about life in your world!
Regards :)
Well said :) It's funny, I've been here a week and I'm WAY more active here than on Facebook--despite how many "friends" I have there. I think you described it will by saying conversations and topics here are a lot more 'intelligent'--and I think that's the main draw for me... I love deep and meaningful discussions and I have great hope that this is (or will become) THE place people go for them. Cheers and I'm sure we'll cross paths again!