How Porn Saved my Life and set me free from Reality and Corporate America. My life story and Introduction.

My name is Gerard (aka Mr. Romance : details on him later). “I’m a Professional at Life Enjoyment”. My credo is “Live Your Fucking Life” (details on this later) and I’m an Internet Entrepreneur. I love Family,Romance,Good Humans,Muay Thai, Boxing, Snow Skiing,Thailand,Bespoke clothing,Cuban Cigars,Fine Dining,Single Malt Scotch Whisky,Premium Vodka,Global Traveling, the Internet business and doing whatever the fuck I want:)

This is me in Bangkok when I first moved here in 2016. I am proud to call Bangkok home as it is the best country on earth to me:)
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Below is a pic of Mr. Romance ( me and more on him later) from my Penthouse balcony in Montevideo Uruguay in 2006 with Miss Uruguay (my girlfriend at the time in pink) and some random girl. At the time I was in the Internet Porn business ( details on my years in Uruguay and the Internet Porn Business in a later post). I lived in Uruguay from 2005 - 2008.
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So one of my good friends and Internet business associate Rob suggested early this year that I shared my fucking exciting past,present and future life adventures with the world. After months of thinking about it, I decided to take his advice as I realized my experiences could change your lives and or at least entertain them:)

Here is Rob below (on the left without the glasses) ( I am on the right wearing the glasses) when he recently visited me in Bangkok Thailand this year in 2017..You can follow him as well. His username is: BroJo (
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To start I will share a summary of my life to date:) Then over time I will post more details on each part of my life along with future post as I continue to enjoy the fucking ride of life:)

I am currently 46 years young, divorced, single and no kids. I was born in the USA in Boynton Beach Florida in 1970. I lived in the Delray Beach Florida and attended Catholic schools until 1983 when we moved to Vero Beach Florida when I was 13 where I attended public High School. I received my Bachelors of Science in Marketing from Jacksonville University in Jacksonville Florida and Graduated in 1992.

This is me below with my parents and 2 brothers in Palm Beach Florida circa 1976..I’m in the middle(middle child and a mama’s boy) looking to my right and pimpin the beige leisure suit:)
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I grew up blessed with loving parents that somehow spoiled us while teaching us honor, respect and love:) My parents are still happily married and I would not be where I am today without them doing such a great job raising me:) They also paid for college and we never wanted for anything:)

Here is a pic of me and my mom who I love more than life itself:) I always say she is a blessing and a curse as I thought I could find someone with outer and inner beauty:) She is like a James Bond girl..Speaks 2 languages, prepares chef quality meals and is also twin rated and flew her own plane:)
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Below is a pic below of my friend Robert Conrad (Actor) that taught me how to box during the summer of 1984. At the time he stayed at my dad's house as he was getting flying lessons for his Piper Malibu plane he bought at Vero Beach Piper Aircraft company. After that summer I fell in love with boxing and I trained weekly for 33 years:) Then five years ago I started training the Martial Art of Muay Thai. Details in a later post on my love for Martial Arts and why I train and how it benefits my life:)
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Here is a pic of me in high school with one of my first Romances

During high school in 1987 I started my 1st business selling light bulbs to local condominiums and large businesses in my home town. This business taught me 2 valuable lessons:

1st “Relationships are everything”- See the buyer of lightbulbs at my largest client was a family friend and when I went to see him about buying light bulbs from me he said “Look here is list of what this business is currently paying for each type of light bulb.. so just write up a proposal and beat these prices by a few cents on each bulb and you will get all of the business.”

2nd “You can make residual money while laying in your parents pool when your mom comes out and says “You just got your 1st check for $X,XXX from your big client”

These business lessons showed me early on that I needed to work smart in life to get ahead so that I could enjoy the ride of life.

Here is me below at my 1st College Spring Break in Islamorada Florida in the Keys in 1988 standing between the 2 girls on the back of the Yacht wearing the orange sunglasses. I did a total of 10 spring breaks... 2 per year in College for 4 years so 8 in college ( I would do my spring break for one week at my college then join my brother and his friends at their spring break for another week) then 2 more after I graduated college..I also attended Mardi Gras in New Orleans 6 times (4 times during college and 2 times after college). I was simply excellent at both Spring Break and Mardi Gras
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One of my College Romances below
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Below is a pic of one of the many picture collages that I made during college and hung on the walls of my condo. In reality it was my version of todays Facebook and every girl that came over wanted to be on my wall on the next picture collage and would do anything to make that happen:) I always took a lot pictures as I thought I would never live past 30..well I am still alive at 46 so the way I look at I have been given 16 bonus years so far in life:)
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So after college I thought the right thing to do was a “Real Job” and I started my second business selling prefabricated steel building over the phone. It was great sales training learning to sell on the phone but after less than a year of that real world bullshit I felt something was missing and hated what I was doing. I was not living life and I was a slave to work and it sucked. Then my then best friend and I watched the movie called Aspen Extreme (it's about 2 friends deciding to move to Aspen Colorado and become ski instructors) and we decided after the film to move to Vail Colorado. There was only one problem it was May and Ski season didn't start until November and I was ready to leave the real world immediately. Another friend of ours told us that we should head to Ocean City Maryland for the summer as it was a 3 month spring break. So we packed up and headed to Ocean City May of 1993. We landed jobs as waiters working 7 nights per week. We worked out in the days,went to the beach and went clubbing every night for 3 months. It was a great summer with countless romances combined and once again I was happy:)

Next we headed to Vail Colorado after the summer of 1993. Here is a picture of me below in Vail Colorado in 1994 with my older brother that decided to visit me.
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Living in Vail Colorado was insane and one of the best times of my life..I was there for the 93/94 ski season and skied over 80 days that year. I waited tables at a 5 star restaurant 7 nights per week called The Tyrolean Restaurant and went out every night and skied all day. After skiing each day I would work out at Vail Valley racquet club, wait tables then hit the clubs for romance.

Here is a pic below of me skiing in 1994 in Vail. Skiing is one of my other life passions:
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In May of 1994 after the ski season I had a really bad idea and I thought it made sense to go back to the real world again so I moved to Jacksonville Florida and started working as a Financial planner for John Hancock Financial Services.

Here is a pic of me all dressed up ready for the real world in 1994 with my then girl friend:)
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Once again I was completely miserable in the real world but I thought it was the right thing to do as both of my parents were professionals (dad was a successful dentist and my mom a dental hygienist and she ran the practice) plus I was a college graduate so i just stuck it out. Next thing I knew all of my friends were getting engaged and married . So I had another bad idea and thought that was the next thing to do. I fell in love, got engaged and then got married in 1998.

Here is one of my engagement pics below with my beloved boxer Harley who also attending my wedding in his personal tuxedo:)
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Here is one of my wedding pics
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So I was horrible at marriage. I literally made every mistake possible and I was once again completely miserable. After I said “ I do” I thought to myself how the fuck do I get out of this? In August of 2002 after 3 years of misery in my marriage (7 total years of misery as I was engaged for 4 years and married for 3 years) combined with being miserable in my real world job my best friend was attending the Internext Adult Internet Porn show in Hallandale Beach Florida and he invited me to go. At the time I was a Mutual Fund Wholesaler for a top company out of Manhattan. It was actually a “great position” and hard to get (but once again I used relationships and I knew someone so I got in). I was making 6 figures and had a 10k per month expense account that I had to spend entertaining stock brokers at strip clubs and steak houses to gain them as clients. So i pull up to the Westin Diplomat hotel at the Internet Porn show in my brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee wearing a Hickey Freeman suit and a pair of Johnston and Murphy shoes thinking I was looking good and as I was valeting my car at least 4 exotic cars pulled up (a few Ferrari’s ,a Porsche and a Lambo) and guys were getting out of them wearing iced out Rolexes and wearing jeans and a T-shirt and I said to myself right then “ I am in the wrong fucking business and I will get into this Internet Porn business as soon as possible”

After a few days of going to private Internet Porn parties and top nightclubs in South Beach filled with hot models and porn stars, I went home to Palm Beach to my wife. As usual she greeted me with an attack and started yelling at I turn around and walked out the door and I looked back at my house and wife and said to myself “ If that is happiness, I want a life of misery” . It was time for both of us to go our own ways and my largest concern was her finding the right person and having her happy ending. She was only 25 at the time and in a few years found the right guy and had a family:) I am still getting my happy ending everyday:)

January 1st of 2003 I was laid off from the Manhattan Mutual Fund wholesaler position as the USA once again went back to war and no one was investing in the stock market. So my best friend that was in the internet hosting business and took me to my 1st internet porn show in August of 2002 said “why don't you move to California and get in the email marketing business as affiliates with me?”. I told him I would get back to him. Next I decided to take some time off as I was still dealing with my divorce and just partied for a few months. Then I woke up one day in some hotel in South Beach with some hot blonde girl lying naked next to me and said that's it I am moving to California. It was the end of March 2003 and my divorce was over and I headed to Hermosa Beach California. I was literally crossing the state line from Florida into Alabama when one of my recruiters hit me up and said “Gerard I have an insane job for you with a top Mutual Fund company with double the base salary” I said “ No thanks I am heading to California to get into the Internet Porn Business” he said “ Wow I wish I could do that” .

Well business fucking took off.. we had the perfect storm of luck,timing, hustle and I invested in 13 web servers and we were crushing it. Of course we wisely invested the profits in Vegas and strippers and the rest we wasted:)

Here is a girl i dated for 3 weeks in California. Most of the quality sucks of my Cali pics as I was new to the internet and I reduced the digital pics to a super small size to save space on my new laptop..
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California 2003 below with some girls:) Back when I romanced white girls:)
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California 2003 below..yes that is a leisure one point I had 11 of them:) This was my crown jewel and was Pistachio Green:)

California 2003

Flying Private 2003

Things were going so fucking well. I was happy again, single and making tons of cash 7 days per week while i slept plus driving exotic cars, romancing hot California girls, spending weeks at a time in Vegas, trips to Cabo and doing whatever the fuck I wanted:) I mean I was on my way to early retirement and this was going to last forever:) It was simple I just buy more of these things called web servers and get more of these things called emails and send more emails and i would never have to work again:)

Pic of me below Yachting in Mexico in 2003

Mexico below 2003

One day I woke up and wanted to be a I became one..see pic below somewhere in Texas

Well I was fucking start my best friend was the 1st person to fuck me in the internet business (he would be 1 of 10 to fuck me over the years) and stole funds from me and at the same time a new law came into effect called the CAN-SPAM Act which now made what we were doing illegal. Then all of our collocations that stored our web servers kicked us out as we had too many complaints. I was going broke and had to take a job... but I was fucking hooked on the internet. The internet is like a drug and once you get hooked on a high of fast huge cash from it you can never leave it.

From may of 2004 - December of 2012 I tried to learn all moving parts of the internet. My goal was to keep learning more and more as I kept trying to hit it big again:)

I literally traveled the world once I entered the internet space from March of 2003 to Present day and traveled to 37 countries and lived in 4 countries: Montevideo Uruguay, Manila Philippines and presently Bangkok Thailand plus living in the USA ( where I was born) . Here is a list of the countries visited so far:
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Here is a pic below of me at my one of my 1st Internet Porn Shows in Vegas in 2005. We had a sick booth..disco ball and all:)

Vegas in 2005 at the Internet Porn show working the booth:)

Prague in 2006 at an Internet Porn meeting.

Below is a pic of one of the times I went to the PlayBoy Mansion.
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Internet Porn show in Amsterdam in 2012

Then I moved on Montevideo Uruguay and lived there from 2005 - 2008. More details in a future post on my time in Uruguay.

Here is a pic of my then gf ( Miss Uruguay 2005) in February 2016 when we met on my penthouse balcony in Uruguay. I dated her for almost 5 years. She was 19 and I was 35. She remains the nicest girl in my life.. 2nd to my mom:)
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Uruguay with Miss Uruguay

She was also Miss Playboy Uruguay in 2008

One more
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In November of 2008 I made another bad decision and thought moving back to the USA was a good idea. I had been living outside of the USA for 4 years and it seemed like the right thing to do:) So December 31st of 2008 I was home in time to spend new year's with family and move back to the USA. While I enjoyed the 10% of my time I spent with family I was miserable the other 90% without them. I just enjoy living in other countries:)

Then a new deal came into place and on October 8th 2012 I moved to South Asia to Manila in the Philippines. I had never been to Asia and it would change my life forever:)

Here is a pic of me below in a nightclub in Manila with a great friend and business associate that was with me in Manila from October 2012 until I moved to Bangkok in January of 2016. Together we did more business on one project in a 20 month period than I have done since I got out of college in 1992. And it was not internet Porn for a change. We sold nutraceutical supplements online:) He was one of the best business associates to date but we have gone our separate ways:)

Here is a pic of us at the heliport in NYC

Another pic in NYC at One Oak
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In London

In Australia entertaining clients

The time I met Manny Pacquiao on a flight back to Manila from LA after he fought Floyd Mayweather..see pic below:)

Here is a pic of me in Manila in a custom made Barong Tagalog on the way to my good friends wedding ( he was also my Muay Thai trainer for 3.5 years) He made me God Father in his wedding:)
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Here is pic in Manila with my good friend and trainer. He is on the far left with wearing the white shirt. We were at the Muay Thai fights he hosts.

More about my times in Manila in a future post:)

Then on January 26th 2016 I moved to my favorite country on earth.. Thailand:) I currently live in Bangkok and I am completely at peace:) I will detail why I love Thailand so much in a future post.

Here is a pic of the view from my Hotel Residence in Bangkok. I love spinners:)
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Here is a better pic from my bedroom in my Hotel Residence in Bangkok
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More pics like these in upcoming post. It is my version of what I call Window Art aka Romance Content:)

Here is a pic from December 25th 2013 just outside of Bangkok at a Tiger Sanctuary.

Pic from this past Christmas in Phuket Thailand on the famous beach “Maya Bay” on Phi Phi Island where the movie “The Beach” was filmed with Leonardo Dicaprio
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Elephant Rides in Thailand:)
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Me and my Muay thai trainer/bodyguard and friend Mr. Daj ( he has been training me 3 privates per week for close to 2 years at my Hotel Residence in Bangkok:)
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Mr. Daj and Mr Yut are also a professional bodyguards and a professional muay thai fighters and I hire them I go out in Bangkok :) They are also great friends and trustworthy:) Pic of us below:)
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One more in Bangkok
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With Mr. Daj and Mr. Yut at the fights in Bangkok

Yachting off Phuket Thailand:)

Enjoying Cuban Cigars and Single Malt Whiskey at the Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok with friends that are also Internet Entrepreneurs

Muay Thai Fights in Bangkok

Finally here is a recent pic of me and mom in Europe on a cruise:) I am ending with this pic as Family is my true wealth and I love my mom:)

So there you have it ..a summary of my life to date:) You may be asking yourself “How Porn Saved my Life and set me free from Reality and Corporate America” it's simple porn was the gateway to the internet business which has given me the ability to live anywhere I want,travel the world and do whatever the fuck I want:) I am more or less out of Internet Porn these days and focus on mainstream Non Internet Porn.

I am looking forward to posting more details on each part of my past plus sharing my future life adventures and my view on living life:)

And don’t forget to “Live your Fucking Life!!!”

If you liked my story and want to continue on my life's journey, then please do the following:)

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Wow, great introduce @mrromance, we glad to meet you here, you have amazing mom, we love it now i can't wait your best next post. See you around, ups... i almous forgot to say welcome to community. Upvote for you and WELCOME

Thanks !! I just Followed you:)

thank you, I am very glad to hear it

Nice to meet you, @mrromance! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

txs have followed you :)

Look who's here ^^ @Mrromance, Let me welcome you to Steemit. Hope you gonna have fun with our community. Feel free to follow me @rightuppercorner Have a great time @rightuppercorner

yes! @Mrromance finally on steemit! I think you are going to be the most popular post everyday! Thanks for the shout out! Great Post!

Thanks for encouraging me to use this platform!!

Nice to meet you, @mrromance! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

Thanks !! I followed you as well:)

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Great post. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to reading more. I just came across this on FB. Not sure how I missed it.

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