I would like to introduce myself to you...
I am a Stay at home mom, I have 4 beautiful children from age 1 to 13. I have always enjoyed writing even if it was just to relieve some stress. I have a box of journals packed away from when I was a teenager, full of my feelings and pieces of my past. I would have to say the majority of my writing has never been seen by anyone than me. It wasn't until recently after a monumental loss that I started my own Blog and made my writing public to everyone. After the first post I made stuff just started flowing out . It was a way for me to share my feelings and thoughts in a way I never could before. Spending the quiet part of my day with my laptop and cup of coffee. It has been therapeutic in a way. I hope you all enjoy what I have to share!
Hello @mrs.martin!
I am also a mother of 3 sons, so I fully understand that "to sit down and write, enjoy a cup of coffee and feel our thoughts become writings ... it is really therapeutic"
I wish you all the success on the platform, I'm sure you'll like it as I liked it.
Hi mrs.martin,
Enjoy your ride on Steemit. But remember it takes hard work to get noticed.
It will be a bumpy ride but a great one!
Thank you! @fullcoverbetting
I will do my best!
Nice Post dear. Welcome to steemit and enjoy your time here.
I have followed you, follow me back to be getting up votes from me on your future posts. https://steemit.com/@chokomenia
Thank you.