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RE: Living with blindness, my story

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hey @nextgen622. I was stalking your profile today and I saw this! I didn't know your story man! Have you ever heard of John Mellor? You can look his website up at

I just looked at the itinerary and he's coming to Melbourne in July! I don't know why but for some reason I thought you live in Melbourne so forgive me if I'm wrong. But either way, would you be willing to attend at least one of the church services he's going to be a guest in?

Oh by the way, let me leave a link to YouTube here for you to get to know a little bit about him. Done!


Thanks a lot for this bro! I haven't heard of him, but will definitely check it out. And yes you are right I do live in Melb. Cheers

Let me know how it goes brother. You will be in my prayers! And I'm sure you already know this fact that in ALL things God works together for our good so no matter what, it's all good! Have a great day my friend :]

Definitely, will let you know. Thanks bro.