*Greetings, friends!
I'm a new user here. I just created this hive account with the name @mudi97. I'm very happy that I can finally channel my writing hobby on web 3.0. My hobby besides being an amateur writer, I also have a hobby of photography, precisely random photography. I take pictures of anything I see that's interesting. But the photos I have taken also have a story in them. It's an honor that I can join and tell it here.
The photo above is my latest photo today, to be precise this morning I took a picture. The weather where I live this morning was heavy rain until this afternoon. And tonight I'm quite cold because of the effects of the rainy temperature this afternoon. For Indonesian friends and all senior writers here, Allow me to join you and teach me to be able to write good and consistent in hive.
Thank you HIVE, I LOVE YOU.
nb: I am very grateful to @indonesianhiver who has helped me explain and direct me here.
welcome kak, tapi sepertinya perkenalannya masih bisa dibuat lebih baik lagi.
coba lihat2 postingan di introduceyourself yang dapet nilai upvote nya besar, kemudian ikuti format perkanalan mereka, apa apa saja yang bisa disampaikan, seperti identitas diri (walaupun tdk terlalu rinci), paling tidak seperti nama, mungkin pekerjaan, hobi (sudah ada), dll. Supaya komunitas bisa lebih mengenal kita.
Kalau hanya nickname kan tdk menggambarkan diri yang sebenarnya. Kalau bisa ditambah juga lokasi kita di mana, kemudian tau hive dari mana, dan apa yang ingin di explore di hive ? komunitas apa apa saja yang kakak minati utk diikuti di hive, dst dst. Silahkan di explore lagi kak, sebagai pemula memang kita blm banyak referensi, sebaiknya perbanyak baca2 postingan dari yang berpengalaman di bidang masing-masing. Misal kakak suka fotografi, silahkan cek di grup2 terkait fotografi, lihat bagaimana postingan yang bisa diterima oleh komunitas dengan baik. Hal - hal apa saja yg harus dimuat di dalam postingan (misal credit bila foto berasal dari internet), kemudian informasi gadget yg digunakan utk foto, dll. Begitu pun jika kakak tertarik di bidang lain seperti game, memasak, dll. Sering- sering lah melihat referensi di komunitas, supaya kita bisa terus meningkatkan kualitas tulisan kita dengan inspirasi-inspirasi yg didapat. Mudah-mudahan postingan kita bisa diterima di komunitas :)
Oh gitu ya bang? Kalo gitu saya buat lagi nanti hehe. Soalnya saya sendiri mikir kayaknya kurang banget perkenalannya. Tapi artikel ini di hapus aja atau edit bang baiknya?
sebetulnya masih blm payout masih bisa di edit, cuma kemungkinan keburu di skip sama curator, better nanti bikin re introduction, tapi beneran niat dibikin yg bagus, supaya gk terkesan ngulang2 terus utk dpt kurasi. Jadi di post sekali lagi minta maaf kalau introductionnya kurang lengkap, kemudian bilang aja diberikan saran utk reintroduction, jadi bikin yg baru. Tapi kasih jeda kalau bisa, tunggu post introduction yg lama habis dlu masa payout nya (seminggu)
Punya telegram gak bang? Saya mau coba kirim perkenalan saya buat di cek sebelum final perkenalannya di upload. Bisa bang?
search indonesian hiver om, sempet bikin channel tp blm di promosiin. Ngobrol di sana aja nanti
Yang ini ya bang?

Welcome aboard! I'll delegate some resource credits to help you comment and post more while you get started. The best way to build a good audience is to be a good audience for others, so create conversations! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't have all the answers, but I am glad to help if I can.
Be sure to write down your keys and keep them somewhere safe. Click here for another writer's overview of which keys do what. Beware of scammers who promise quick riches or mystery airdrops, and don't enter your keys anywhere carelessly.
The HIVE community tends to be welcoming, but rewards may drop off after your introduction. Persevere! The path to success is not always fast and easy. Just be avoid plagiarism and spam in your posts, and you'll make progress in due time.
HIVE | PeakD | Ecency
thanks for the welcome friend. I will try to stay friendly to everyone here. And of course I have kept all the keys and will not give my keys to anyone.