Greetings from

Hello Fellow Steemians! Just getting ramped up as a new Steemian myself. My intent is to post educational materials on music composition. I have been composing music since the 1970s (yes, I'm THAT old! -- born in 1951) and have developed some efficient techniques that I'd like to share with others. My main preoccupation (some might say "obsession") is with counterpoint as evidenced by the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. I have focused on the composition of canons and fugues for many years now and have developed a method I call the "Backward / Forward Method" for canon construction. For fugues, the same technique is used to generate the stretto (German: Engfuehrung) section at the end of the fugue from which the main theme can be easily extracted.

I studied mathematics and music in Germany in the 1970s and am still working as an engineer (although I hope to retire in a couple of years and dedicate myself full-time to music). You can see a large collection of my compositions at

I realize that the composition of musical canons is a relatively advanced musical subject. However, I plan to eventually upload and post some more elementary materials in music education.

I hope you enjoy the posts and find them useful in your musical experiments.