Hellos I'm @mystic1000 my passion is in search of mysteries related to counter intuitive phenomena that seem unnatural or strange, sometimes frightening and also called paranormal, mysticism, magic, metaphysics, alchemy, and many other names. We strive to find a reasonable scientific explanation, we believe exists. And our goal is to unravel the mystery that you have seen or experienced or you happened. At least as far as we, and the information we have. As before Galileo believed that the Earth is round, and his people are laughing because they thought it was flat and worn on a platter of elephants.
Our thoughts and emotions are nothing more than a subtle form of energy that we generate in the surrounding area. Hatred, love, envy, gratitude have a certain level of vibration with certain characteristics.
Every cell and organ in our body has its own frequency. Around everything has its own frequency, even our planet is no exception.
It is known that the Earth "sing" in F-sharp major. Scientists note that its usual "relict" frequency of 7.83 Hz (Schumann resonance etc.) that recent decades growing steadily, demonstrating a certain evolution of space. Therefore constantly monitor natural disasters. "Apocalyptic" its value is perhaps the frequency of 13 hertz, then whichever planet and humanity await any transformation processes.
So talking about 2012 and the quantum transition expected of humanity have a real basis.
We communicate with the universe using the vibration of words, emotions and thoughts when we make choices and to perform certain actions. Our universe responds with events in our lives. Events are its language, so it is very important to perceive and understand the responses signs that it sends.
The most obvious manifestation of this so-called coincidences.
Have you ever thought why this happens: when you remember someone, he or information about it appears in your life?
Or when you are busy solving some problem suddenly find a hint of an open page of a magazine or in the text of the billboard? Why when looking for answers, they come from "most unexpected" places? Or - you think about someone and he suddenly your phone calls ...
For the first time the term "synchronicity", describing such phenomena between people and events introduced Carl Jung. He first described synchronicity as "the simultaneous occurrence of two events of knowing, but not a causal relationship."
The nature of these "meaningful coincidences" can be explained only by the energy unity and interconnectedness of all things. Through such phenomena universe sends us "confirmation" that she hears us.
But when asked Jung: "Do you believe in God?", He replied: "No". Then he added: "But I know that it exists."
Scientists call "strings' vibrations filling the universe
vibrating in an infinite number of ways.
This energy constantly passing through us and moves around us. Moreover, we ourselves, like radios continually transmit energy signals for themselves in the surrounding area. Whether we realize it or not, each of us participates in the continuous energy flow of the universe.
English physicist and astronomer James Jeans said: "The concept of the universe as a world of pure thought flushed with new light many problems encountered in physics research today."
In terms of physiology can say that "man is an electrical device." Your personal energy field is just like a "passport" that you imagine in the outside world and that is:
-vibration of the body
-vibrations of feelings
-vibration of thought
Each of you can remember times when the appearance of a perfect stranger you feel toward him or unexplained sudden sympathy or dislike. At this point you are "presented" "energy passport". We are all to some extent psychics.
The interaction of mental energy and the outside world can be illustrated by the famous theorem of quantum physics, John Bell, who says that no isolated systems; every particle of the universe is in "instant" (greater than the speed of light) with any other particles. The entire system, even if its parts are separated by vast distances, functions as a whole. Man is part of this system.
Forgive the comparison, but the thoughts of people do not rotate in the skull like flies in a jar. NASA specialists have determined that our thoughts can spread to a distance of 400,000 km (that's 10 times the Earth's circumference at the equator!).
It is estimated also that in the course of the day in our brain arise about 60,000 thoughts example, 5% of them are accompanied by sufficiently strong emotions. This looks like an anthill, where thoughts directly compete with each other in strength and agility - who is first and who further will fly in the surrounding area.
The planet live almost 7 billion people whose thoughts and emotions splashes in total energy field where people draw again and again.
Can you imagine what a giant information - energy space we live!
Imagine the energy-information field around you like an aquarium with clean and transparent water. A drop drop tar - negative thought. What will happen to your surrounding energy, what impact will it have a "drop tar"? This metaphor explains how important it is to have pure thoughts and positive emotions ... It is good to realize that the vibration of our thoughts is information within the surrounding our energy-information field. And any information we can change just by sending new information.
We can compare people with personal biokompyuter involved in the exchange of information in the "Internet" of the noosphere. The fact is that our brain is actually transceiver of complex modulated electromagnetic signals (EEG method in medicine), but modern methods of registration are not yet sensitive enough. Every human body is the source and receiver of electromagnetic field, in other words - biocomputer of the "brain-mind-body" functions for encoding / decoding of energy / information.
Phenomena like telepathy (transmission of thoughts off) no longer have any principled scientific objections. Scientists already have real development interface "brain-computer" allowing to manage devices with the power of human thought. We may also remember experiments mislografikite (imaging of mental images on fotoplastini) of Russia's Nina Kulagin, China's Zheng Syanlin phenomenon Margaret Fleming, the power of autosuggestion (method of kinezologicheskiya mental test in medicine) and many others.
In his book "dressage animal" V. Durov says the impact of the thought commands on animal behavior. Over the wall without seeing and hearing people, dog perform his mental commands, and sometimes whole program.
Our brain, like hand-delivery system is a source of radiation and acceptance of mental energy. Every thought is a pulse energy and the law of resonance-like energies attract. Occurring in Earth's energy field with the vibrations of other people's thinking, our thoughts resonate with fluctuations of this kind and are amplified. And when we long intentionally or unintentionally focus on something, it universal laws, we attract in your life.
In physics there is a concept "phase transition" when quantum particles start to "build" in one direction and when they reach a certain number ( 'critical mass') all other particles join them.
Similarly universe responding ( "plot") against us. When in your life start to attract people, events, information, opportunities, situations, ideas and the like, gradually realizing that on which you focused - this is your "phase transition." So the universe is unfolding for you. Although sometimes astonished to say: "You alone God sent you to me!"
The poet and writer James Allen (1864-1912), wrote the following lines: "We think until something and it happens to us. After all life around is only a mirror of our thoughts. "
So is the creation of our living reality. Understanding this allows us to choose virtually any "compounds" our thoughts with the energy field, "coincidences" we are no longer surprised we even now we can predict and even create their own accord!
Having unique wave characteristics, and any other energy thinking allows us to constructively cooperate with the outside world. Anyone can tell a story associated with the phenomenon of "synchronicity". This happens constantly and the more consciously we think as a higher "quality" is the level of vibration of our thoughts so often happens to us the phenomenon of synchronicity.
I want to say that trying to spot synchronicity in your life, not to be confused with mediocre domestic matches. For example, when the morning or evening, the whole family is at home, very often you can see that just when you need the toilet, it is already occupied by someone else. Or just while you think about the hidden chocolate, and you see that somebody already ate. This is not mysticism. Can be tested at home.
Learn to believe that the universe is alive and conscious thinking, and we are part of it. It is necessary to adopt the rule: "When you believe, then you will see." (U. Dayer) and not the opposite - "I see, then I will believe." And then this belief will change your life. Awareness of themselves as part of the universe will give you the correct coordinates of your further development.
In his book "Life at full power" Dzhim Loer and Toni Shvarts wrote, "Each of our thoughts or emotions has an energy consequence - for the worse or better. The final assessment of our lives is formed not by the weather experienced on this planet, but on the energy invested by us in this time ... efficiency, health and happiness are based on skillful management of this energy. "
"Be careful with your thoughts - they are beginning to deeds." - says Lao Dza, the famous physicist David Bohm liked to repeat: "Thought creates the world and then be denied."
Remember that your thoughts tend to turn into the reality of your life. You will always find confirmation of their doubts or hopes. Furthermore, it is a matter of choice - to which will join.
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hi Mystic1000 I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community !! Nice post, Wish you much luck! Cheers! i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom
Thank you!
Hey there @mystic1000! Welcome to steemit :]
Thank you. I'm glad to be here!
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