Welcome to Steemit, Myunghee. I am learning Korean here on Steemit. I just learned all the letters, but I can't really write in whole sentences yet. I want to have more bilingual posts in my feed, so I follow you.
herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland (greetings from Germany)
당신은 표절 하였습니다 당신은 정말 잘못된 행동을 하고 있습니다 사진의 사람은 손나은이라는 사람입니다 당신은 그의 사진을 합성하여 당신이것 처럼 속이고 있습니다 당신은 사기꾼입니까?
당신은 설명해야 할것입니다
이러하듯 한국 커뮤니티가 발전하면서 외국인으로부터 분란조장이 많습니다 이럴때일수록 악의적 접근을 잘 판단해야 합니다 https://www.yahoo.com/news/son-na-eun-leaves-a-message-after-finishing-080015890.html @clayop @yoonjang0707 @leesunmoo @morning @sochul @atomrigs
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Welcome to Steemit, Myunghee. I am learning Korean here on Steemit. I just learned all the letters, but I can't really write in whole sentences yet. I want to have more bilingual posts in my feed, so I follow you.
herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland (greetings from Germany)