OooO What a fun story! So happy that you two got to unite in real life! Strang how the online world brings us together, and makes us feel as though we have known each other for years! Are you both staying in Playa long?
We may just be coming down there in Feb. Haven't fully decided where in Mexico we will call home for a few months. BUT you are really getting me fired up about Playa :)
Wow really?? Are you coming to Mexico?? That's so cool!!! Playa is wonderful, I love being here. I came here for a holiday last February and I simply fell in love with it so I just stayed since then :D I've already posted a couple of pictures and photos about this area, keep following my posts to get a bigger view about it.
Please let me know if you are coming to Playa, it would be great to meet you guys!!! I'M staying until the end of March. Yaniv is gone already, coz he is a real nomad :D
And feel free to contact me with any quiestions, I'd be happy to help if I can :)