What is the I Ching or The Book of the Mutations?

Going into the depths of the I Ching or Book of Mutations is a serious thing that deserves study and analysis; I, particularly, think that this study should be taken with all the seriousness of a children's game, as the Dalai Lama said, since the really important things in life are made to laugh and play, everything else is what we It causes crying.
In short, the I Ching is something important, so I have it in my life as something that produces joy and invites the adventure of entering not only the mysteries of the ancestral knowledge of the Universe, but the adventure of delving into your own psyche , since really the archetypes and figures that this presents us take us to a trip to the unknown world of our deepest subconscious. This journey of personal recognition in the company of the I Ching can be really hard, but also, it is deeply enriching, work, by the way, what the illustrious doctor Carl Gustav Jung would say could take us a lifetime.
With this I do not try to give an immensely long lecture or create a PhD on the sacred Book of Mutations, I only intend to make a short introduction to this exciting subject. If someone wants to go deeper into the study of the I Ching then simply follow their motivation and seek information and even deepen the issue getting the original text, or rather, one of its most accurate translations, created by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung himself in company of Helmut Wilhelm. In this book we are provided with everything that is useful to know about the origin, meaning and millenary life of this sacred text.

Anyway, let's go back to the main idea, what is IChing? then summarizing, it is an oracle of consultation on the different paths that can be taken before a dilemma or in a moment where the life arrives at a crossroads and we do not know where to go; but, it is not only an oracle, like a Chinese old wise man, it does not limit itself to predicting destiny, but it indicates above all, the fundamental setbacks, or as the orientals call them "the mutations" against which destiny, the avatars or the universe itself, push us to connect with our evolution as beings of conscious essence. And still, what is more important, advises us the most accurate attitude or behavior that should be followed in certain circumstances of life.

Almost at the beginning of the writing I called this book sacred, and certainly for the Oriental it is. According to tradition, the origins of the eight trigrams that make up the keys to reading and interpreting the oracle are found in Chinese prehistory, when people read and interpreted the shadows that formed, in the heat of a bonfire, on the shoulder of a cow or, better, on the shell of a turtle.
Whether this is true or not, the eight trigrams that have reached us and that form the basis of the I Ching represent the fundamental principles of life and, perhaps because of this, identify them as if they were the components of a large family.
The eight trigrams that give life to the Book of Mutations are:

And these in turn represent The Father, The Mother, The Lesser Daughter, The Second Daughter, The Elder Son, The Elder Daughter, The Second Son and The Youngest Son.

These trigrams are formed by lines that can be whole, which are called Yang lines, and by broken lines that are the Yin lines. These lines together complement each other, they are force and substance together, they are the basis of the Chinese philosophy that studies the fundamental principle of mutations.
Of course I could continue to expand on how the hexagrams are formed and the different keys that give life as such to the I Ching, however, I think that with this basic explanation you can already get an idea of the topic that concerns us . We can always, eventually, delve into this magical world.

I tried to explain in a few words and in a very simple way what is the I Ching, now, I think that in this subject, as in almost all the topics related to oracles, magic and esotericism, one thing is what it means, let's say for the Common denominator something specific and another is what it means for us and for our life.
For me this ancient and wise oracle is a form, a way of communication between my avatars, my guide spirits and myself, in some cases it is even the mechanism that I use to communicate with my deepest self. His subtle and wise energy full of peace and invites meditation, helps me find my center and do it through a pleasant and harmonious way, full of balance.
Sometimes I do not understand at first what they are trying to tell me about their hexagrams and their lines, but I always end up understanding what was the way they were showing me.
I fully believe that who should understand finally understand and who is prepared for the knowledge of any of these magical tools, simply comes to them, perhaps because the same energy of the conscious goal Universe traces the path of encounter.
If you read this it is because you had to read it, because it was for you. If through these lines you feel interest, connection or a small drop of curiosity I invite you to investigate, inquire and ask, perhaps the ancestral and wise Book of Mutations is waiting for you and I have only been the insturmento so that you get to him.
Anyway, I wish you a happy trip in the world of the Sacred I Ching

Written by @nahkhela
Images Free Domain



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Thank you very much for the clarification, I'm new to Steemit and I still do not handle labels well. I asked for advice and, apparently, who advised me did not know much about labels hehehe
I'll take it into account for other publications, very grateful again ...

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With pleasure, friend, it is always good to read interesting things and grow in knowledge with people who seek the evolution of being.
I will be visiting you on your blog, reading and commenting.
Greetings and affection from Venezuela

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