My name is ponna. People often call me napeng. I'm 35 years old and married. My last education is bachelor. I am a livestock and agriculture businessman. This corresponds to my college and my hobbies. I know steemit from a friend @ anzarhasyimi. He explains what steemit is, and how to create posts, as well as the benefits we receive.
Nama ku ponna. Orang sering memanggilku napeng. Umur ku 35 tahun dan sudah menikah. Pendidikan terakhirku sarjana. Saya seorang pengusaha bidang peternakan dan pertanian. Ini sesuai dengan bidang kuliahku dan hobiku. Aku mengenal steemit dari seorang teman @nazarhasyimi. Dia menjelaskan tentang apa steemit, dan bagaimana cara untuk membuat postingan, serta manfaat yang kita terima.
As a newcomer to steemit, I look forward to the guidance of the steemit seniors. I also want to get acquainted with many people. I think steemit is very helpful in improving knowledge, because here many people who share the experience.
Sebagai pendatang baru di steemit, saya sangat mengharapkan bimbingan dari senior-senior steemit. Saya juga ingin berkenalan dengan banyak orang. Saya pikir steemit sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, karena disini banyak orang yang berbagi pengalaman.
Salam kenal @napeng
Hello napeng! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:
For a detailed writeup, check our post Getting Started: 5 Essential Tips for New Users.
Good luck on your Steem journey! Follow us if you like to receive more helpful tips and maximize your Steemit experience.
Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)
Thank you
Do you already have some ideas of what kind of content you are going to post? Is it something related to your business?
I've also just recently joined Steemit myself and I find the community to be really chill for the most part, however I guess you won't really be into the stuff I post about :) it's about gaming
I like agriculture and veteriner, a little traveling. May be that isue i make to my contet.
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You're welcome here to steemit and you're going to love it here
Nice picture
thank you
Selamat bergabug teman
Semoga betah di Steemit 😊

Sama sama. salam kenal
Selamat datang di Steemit.
Welcome and thank for follow me, good luck
Posted using Partiko Android
You wellcome
Greeting @napeng! It's nice to see you here!
Thank you
Hello! I followed you, let's increase the power of Steemit together! I hope you follow me. I'm always glad to have a new acquaintance with good people! ;)
thank you. i will folloe you too.