My Little Princess Salwa || Putri Kecil Ku || Two languages

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hallo Steemians, Today I just want to give a few words about my little daughter!! 

She, my daughter was born on the night of Idul Adha 1437 Hijri last (13 August 2016) at 11.00 am, at Blangkejeren General Hospital, Aceh. The process of childbirth in the normal way, body weight at birth 3.8 Kg, female sex and I named him with the name Salwa, yes Salwa.

Salwa is a vocabulary in Arabic meaning, Food or Honey from Heaven. But in some books I read, Salwa also interpreted as Pelara Lara .. somehow, I just believe the existence of my little angel is the most valuable god to our family.

And over time Salwa has now entered the age of 10 Months, she is also now good at crawling and sitting. And Salwa is very happy with the Water Game Rides, even I have asked her several times to take her to visit the sights and places of water barmain, both to the sea and Waterboom.

Her presence changed my whole life. Hobbies and personal desires are willing to fold for the sake of the opportunity we spend together. Indeed I realize the free time, I give for him not as much as his mother gave, but we still spend time together.

Oya, Steemians Salwa was born from a woman named Ayue Lubis. Women from Medan Sumatera Utara, Ayou my wife is also recorded as a teacher in a remote place of Southeast Aceh Regency. Like a teacher he has the task of giving his students counseling guidance, because it was first time college discipline.

Just this short story about Salwa, next time I will scream again, hopefully you are interested to read my article thanks @nauval!


Cerita Salwa Putriku

Putri Kecilku Salwa   Hallo Steemians. Hari ini saya hanya ingin menyampikan beberapa kata tentang  putri kecilku.   Putri kecilku lahir pada malam Perayaan Idul Adha 1437 Hijriah lalu, (13 Agustus 2016) pukul 11.00 WIB, dirumah Sakit Umum Blang Keujren, Aceh.

Proses persalinan dengan cara normal, bobot badanya saat lahir 3,8 Kg, berjenis kelamin perempuan dan kunamai dia dengan nama Salwa, ya Salwa. Salwa adalah kosa kata dalam bahasa arab yang berarti, Makanan atau Madu Asal Surga. Namun dalam beberapa buku saya baca, Salwa juga diartikan sebagai Pelipur Lara.. entah lah, saya hanya menyakini keberadaan malaikat kecil saya itu merupakan titipan tuhan paling berharga kepada keluarga kami.

Dan seiring waktu Salwa kini telah memasuki usia 10 Bulan, dia pun kini sudah pandai merangkak dan duduk. Dan Salwa sangat senang dengan Wahana Permainan Air, bahkan saya telah mengajaknya beberapa kali mengajaknya mengunjungi tempat wisata maupun tempat barmain air, baik ke laut maupun Waterboom.

Kehadiran Salwa mengubah seluruh hidupku. Hobi dan keinginan pribadi rela kulipat demi kesempatan untuk kami habiskan bersama. Memang saya menyadari waktu luang, saya berikan untuk dia tidak sebanyak ibunya berikan, namun kami tetap menyempatkan waktu bersama.

Oya, Steemians Salwa dilahirkan dari seorang perempuan bernama Ayue Lubis. Perempuan asal Medan Sumatra Utara, keseharainya mengurusi rumah tangga Ayou istri saya juga tercatat sebagai guru di Kabupaten Terpencil.   Layaknya serorang guru dia memiliki tugas memberikan muridnya tentang bimbingan Konseling, karena basic waktu kuliah dulu Piskologi.


Salwa baby

Welcome to New House for blogger and good social network platform @nauval. Actually Iam waitin for your great post in future. Two thumbs for your introduce. I believe that u can be best blogger and contributor on this site. Let's keep this platform as Anti Plagiarism. Keep Steem On and earn big money as a reward. Good luck guy !!. Im waiting for you to come. Visit my blog I ve latest post about photography and travel. Let's check it out. Nice to meet you dude. Amazing one

Thank you your praise my brother, let us equally advance Steemit, and you are also a reliable blogger, amazing .. Patinggai Saleum Meuturi ,,,

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

Welcome here @Nauval !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me...

Sure, I'll be happy to follow you, and I do not mind if you please resteem my article. And Succes For you @khunfarang

Soooooo cute baby

Thanks @daljit, glad to know you in @steemit, please follow me and resteem may article

Welcome to steemit, happy to have you here

Checkout my blog posts, Enjoy your time here and let's get this party started :)I am @alienposts , my real name is achraf :)

I am very happy to hear it, and I think it's a great opportunity to make friends. And I will gladly follow you. Please introduce me with your friends, be it with resteem or up to you in what way .. i am very grateful to you. Nice To You....

hello @nauval

you are very much welcome to steemit,a one of its kind in the history of social networks. i will like to share with you some lessons i learnt the hard way.

First,write on your area of strength, don't strugle more to get topics to write on, but when you write based on what you know/do well at, that becomes your brand and fellow steemians will know what to expect from you on every post.

don't beg for followers.

When people follow you on a quip pro quo basis, that's the foundation of not getting upvotes and comments because many of your followers didn't do so because they wanted what you have to offer but rather they are just there as numbers. #don't go for numbers, but value.

When i joined, after my intro post. i went low kay and started engaging with people on their posts and comments and like that,i was getting people that truly liked me for me. i must note that at some post as a newbie, i outrightly asked people to follow me but that was before i learned that it was one of the unwritten rule of steemit;don't beg for followers.

Finally, learn to engage. Get the esteem app on your phone so that after writing and posting with your pc,you can now use your phone and respond to replys on the go. This will help you build your followers.>/h4>

I hope that this piece will be of grate help to you as it has been for me[though i learnt the hard way]. Follow them and thank me later. : )

once more, you are welcome.


Again,paticipate in contests, it will conect you to people and probably, earn you some steem/steem dollar. and always try to leave a good comment on people's posts. this dose wonders. check out this contest[clickhere]

Thank you for your advice, and this is very special for me, and I will try to follow the race, and if you know the account that made the race, please inform me again. I am interested to follow, and thanks my friend, happy to know you.

Hello @nauval, am glad that i could be of help. @papa-pepper, @ogochukwu, @Stellabella, @surpassinggoogle, the list is endless. But just check out the community and see those that write on the area of your intrest and follow them.

Thanks for your advice my brother @arizonawise, this is very helpful to me, and you are so happy to share with me I do not know what to say for you, but I am very grateful to you, have given way to me in steemit .. I am grateful to know you, you are People who are very good to me, and I will ingan your services, and if you need help me, do not hesitate to ask for it .. my buddies terimaksih.

you are welcome @nauval am glad I could be of help

Hey welcome dear, nice post u made... Big steem ahead lets steemit

thank brother, nice you

So are you in for this for the long ride? Hope so !!! I am also kind of new in this so, in short, wish you good luck. Writing is hard but if you enjoy it you’ll be ok. Find topics that you can share and all will be ok.
Check here on of my posts and place any comments you wish.

If you find it interesting please click on the FOLLOW and let’s exchange comments in the future.

Good luck,


Of course my brother, @teemit I want to always share and write what I can, and I am glad you can teach me here, and this is very unusual for me. And I have followed you @indepthstory

Welcome to steemit !! Followed. Follow me back 😘

yes, certain my frieand

UpvoteWelcome @nauval to Steemit. great introduction:) you got my follow! hope you will check out my account, too. Please follow me @hongphuong

thank may Friends, good luck