My Steem Journey & My Future Steem Hopes!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago


Would you read my Steem story all the way till the end of this article and be a part of my Steem journey, also I would like to hear about your Steem story, will you share your story with me? I’m writing this story to approach you and everybody here for friendship. I want to know you, I want you to know me.

I have posted my photos before, but I have always wanted to do that signature Steem pose while holding the paper which displays a form of validity of my identity. Now you know how I look like.

The Internet and me

I have been on the internet for a long time, I can’t remember how long but it was when we used to connect our telephone lines to our computer and get connected to the World Wide Web. The internet has changed for me from IRC to SNS. I used most of those social media sites that are trending today, but I never really liked any networks as much as I like Steem and within a very short time. First of all those networks are making money through the time we spend on their sites, they forcefully show us advertisements against our will again and again, and moreover they want us to submit legal papers proving our identifications. Who knows what they do with it. I had to submit my passport twice to get my account validated on Facebook, and who knows what they did with the scan photo of my passport which I was forced to give them to keep my account activated. They have my every information, my photo ID, my cell number and even my home address. There is no choice but to forcefully hand them my legal documents which proves my identification in order to keep my account activated as people I know all have Facebook and it’s essential to be on SNS to communicate and make new friends. I’m bad at social communications that’s why I often rely on my keyboard to make new friends.

How I learned about Steemit & The Blockchain

One day while I was surfing my Facebook homepage, I saw someone shared a video which I checked. I forgot who shared the video but it was a video made by @jerrybanfield I took a screenshot of that video which I still have it saved.

I immediately thought the guy talks exactly like those dudes who tries to sell detergent powder to people over the phone. The halo-effect was really negative, moreover the background showed data but because of his huge face blocking the view, I had trouble reading, and I thought it was some kind of ponzi scheme and he is trying to collect new users to make fool of and ran away with their money like every other ponzi scheme does. But I decided to check out as I was very bored at that time and saw he was telling the truth, there are people making hundreds of dollars from blogging, but there were also people trying hard but not able to make much money. One thing I learned from watching Jerry's video is looks has nothing to do with success or becoming a millionaire again after a business failure that leads a person to go bankrupt and end up for rehabilitation. Doing your work with proper dedication can lead anyone to success. Success has no race, gender, religion, age etc. The only way to achieve success is through hard work and doing my work with full honest effort. Its the same everywhere, hard workers will earn more money and receive promotions at any company and unproductive people will just be sacked off, I guess the logic is same here also, hard workers are making hundreds and thousands of dollars from a single article and some people are not making a cent from 10 articles. Quality & Originality really has good value. I'm glad after so many years I get to experience one commodity ( which is not "Made in China."

Before signing up I read a couple of trending articles so investigate what was actually going on. I never had any idea about the existence of cryptocurrency or blockchain before I discovered Steem. I like the idea where users are being paid for their contribution whereas Facebook turned Mr. Zuckerberg as the youngest ever Billionaire from the data which we input into Facebook.

For now I'm really glad I discovered Steemit and using it everyday and falling in love again and again. I must thank the initiator for making this wonderful blockchain-network. And moreover it respects people's opinion if they want to use their real name or prefer to stay anonymous. I was able to start running my account by verifying just my email address & cell number. I'm more grateful because here I can choose to use a pseudonym, and there is no need to submit any official document to have a social media account. Moreover everyday I'm making few cents just by doing the exact same thing which I was doing at Facebook & Twitter. And the best part is nobody went to jail for publishing articles here whereas many have been arrested there for writing political comments on their status update.

Are you bored already? Will you continue reading my story further: This is who I'm & what I do

So, I’m using the pseudonym @Nee for not any special reason, I just like it thats all, if you are interested in knowing my real name I would be glad to tell you in a private chat screen. Its just that I don't want few people to read what I express here. Facebook is now a mom's platform, so I don't share much about my thoughts and imagination anymore, but with this opportunity to enjoy being anonymous I want to take full advantage of it, you might wonder then why I published my photo, well its okay, as long as my real name is not written here, mommy won't find my article if she searches my name of Google.

Speaking of names and pseudonym I often thought we get to decide a lot about our life, but how come we never get to keep our own names? I think everyone should get one opportunity to decide their own names.

Apart from that I’m 29 years old, living single, and I work as a Merchandiser at a clothing company, and our work usually involves production of bulk quantities for big brands and export them on big containers. Here is a photo, collection of the sweaters which our company exported to Italy last year.

We made these products for an average price of $8/piece and I heard our clients from Italy have sold these for $30/piece to a famous French fashion brand. The actual price of the raw materials and the knitting and stitching costs are very low, but the price goes up when you want to buy it from a retailer is because there are no many taxes needed be paid, the flashy packaging also comes expensive, and the "branding" label is why people pay so much money for something whose actual price is very low. Just hurry up and throw the central authority already.

I work at a private company, my wage is equivalent to $300 per month, My office hours are 12 hours and 5 working day per week. So you can say my daily wage is $10, now thats the reason why I’m very surprised. Some people are making $1000+ from a single article. I really envy people like @sweetsssj going on fancy restaurants around the world, eating delicacies and making $1000+ from posting her own pictures and reviewing the the food and the service which she experienced. This is like a dream job which everyone wants to have. It’s not exactly jealousy that I’m feeling; she is making that much money because she must be adding some kind of value to you or to another person and overall to the community, that is why it’s a prayer someone I could have such a job. And speaking of work and business, if you want to import high quality garments at a cheap rate, but at large quantity, minimum 5000 pieces per style, color,size etc than contact me with your product description and I can easily to the work at our company, but this is mainly for who owns a shop or is a wholesaler.

My Likes/Dislikes, Wants, Wishes, Dreams & Prayers

"I wish to spend a tension free life, and my greatest wish is die peacefully on a rainy morning as if I’m just going for a nap." <- Hey, this is an original quote I just come up with while writing this article.

I don’t know about heaven or hell, but if possible I would prefer going to heaven and enjoy everything in heaven which I couldn't in this world. But for now I’m alive and breathing, and will continue to enjoy this life so I won’t have any regrets by the time I die, and with blockchain technology this story I’m writing about myself shall remain even after my death. Many of you will read it today, some tomorrow, and I wonder if anybody will read this after 10 years or after 100 years.

I like watching Japanese Anime, I'm one of those few people left who still watches Anime at the age of 29. Most of my childhood friends and classmates stopped watching Japanese Anime & American Cartoons. I love the Japanese culture and the language, usually I prefer watching Anime in Japanese voice with English subtitles, but because of being a hardcore fan, I think I understand most of the words when I watch without any subtitles. I once had a Facebook group which was based on Anime sharing and reviewing with other members, but the group was later blocked because they think its violating copyright policy. I saw lots of contents got flagged because they belonged to other people, I wonder how the copyright policy and censorship works in Steemit & DTube, but I also saw its possible to share other people's intellectual property by using referencing methodology.

One thing I find fascinating is today's cartoons are the technology after 20 years. If you remember "The Jetsons" from your childhood, you will understand why I think like this way.

The Jetsons | Hanna-Barbera

I like listening to good music, ranging from pop songs to heavy metal, I listen to any kind of music as long as it gives me the feelings of the musicians who composed the song. I dislike music made using computer software, these days with technological advancements even the voice of a crow can be turned into melody, but I prefer the traditional way of singing and making music by playing instruments, in fact I played the guitar for a long time, but few years ago I stopped playing because of work pressure, maybe someday I wish to put all my feelings and composed the best song of my life..

BUT for now...

I need to put some strings on my acoustic guitar.

Wrapping myself with a warm blanket during cold winter turns me into a poet, thats when I come up with lyrics.

I like watching all kinds of movies that I find interesting by the trailer, from local made to Bollywood to Hollywood, including some porns, and maybe if the public strongly demands it, I will write a separate story on my fondness for pornos.

Gardening is my latest hobby:

At the beginning I started gardening out of curiosity/spend more time with nature. My starting was done with small size Rose plants and then I tried sowing Sunflower seeds which eventually grow up and gave some awesome flowers. Later I realized flower is something used for beauty, it can be highly associated with different literatures or can be a symbol of love. But later I kept thinking to the point where I realized harvesting flowers doesn't bring any economical value for me. So I stopped doing flowers and moved into growing vegetables and fruits

It is a type of orange, here we call it Malta, its very delicious and fully ripen ones are very sweet, I think people in the west call it Blood Orange, well I'm sorry but I'm not really very sure about its English name. I'm still doing it on an experiment basis,
but if I can grow quality fruits then it can also turn into a good venture.

Say NO to alcohol: I absolutely dislike Alcohol, its not just dislike, it pure hatred

Alcohol is an abusive substance, most people won't even be willing to accept how addictive they are for alcohol, but its that poison which can destroy lives, not only the alcoholic person's life but it also destroys his family and friendships. I tried drinking few times when my friends forced me to try, but I find it disgusting, anything that can bring damage to one's physical and mental health can not be accepted. If there is just one alcoholic in a family, it will have a direct impact on the kids of the household. My hatred is the same for other drugs also. I don't understand why people would refuse to drink milk which is so good for the body, but will drink juices made from rotten fruits or vegetables. Don't offer me alcohol, but please offer me fresh grapes. I never any parties where they serve alcohol. That's why I get to spend more time playing video games, watching movies or just listening to music while sitting in the dark corner of the roof under the stars.

Then what to drink?

Drink water, fresh fruit juices, tea, coffee, milkshakes, pure milk..there are so many good drinks available and yet people would get drunk and do shitty things..most of the crimes are done when a person is drunk..most of the rapist say they were drunk and had no control..CONTROL!? Are you stupid or is that a joke? Why would you take something harmful which would make you loose control? You are not only destroying yourself but also forcing other people to pay the price of your sins. Many say they are just social drinkers, but in my opinion that's just excuse. Government allows this because they make big tax money from it, then its up to us to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

I prefer it with extra sugar added

Smoking habit

I'm not exactly a saint, I do avoid alcohol, but I have weakness for cigarettes, yes it's very bad. I'm damaging my own health by doing so, and the bad smell of nicotine also chases girls away from me as most girls can't tolerate the bad smell.

I know its a very bad habit, and I have taken steps to quit. I hope I will be able to live without ever having to smoke for stress relief and instead I would face all the issues directly and find a good solution. But in the mean time somebody should really do something about the government increasing taxes on tobacco year after year, can't we decentralize it?

Relationship Status & Romance

I have dated few girls, but let’s say I have not meet my perfect match yet, when I do, I will marry her immediately, but for now I plan to build a harem and date lots of girls together at the same time. And I really enjoy going to long drives with a beautiful lady. I'm still searching for my true love, but I'm always open for going on dinner dates, movie dates, etc.. I do this so that I can find my true love. But luck have not supported me yet so I'm still single & ready to mingle.

So if you are a hot beautiful girl, you can try your luck with me. In case if you are guy, please just ignore this and pretend that you never read this. As a matter of fact, this paragraph don't exists at all.

Computers, Writing Codes, Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

I don’t know much about computers and I use it for multimedia purpose and a tool for communications. But sometimes I wish if I could write a program or develop an app and become very famous. But I’m N00bz when it’s about computers. I always fascinate people doing freelancing and making money from home. That’s one of my hidden desire to have that kind of career, the heat on the outside, the noise pollutions, the traffic jams, the corporate politics, etc makes me to quit my job, but money is important so I have to continue, but I’m interested in having a freelancer career and every day I try to learn one or two new things. I tried oDesk (presently known as Upwork) and other sites but the work they offer there is hard for me, and the competition is strong where 50 people would quote for the same job, that is why Steem is a good platform for me, except that I don’t know much coding and I’m from a non-English speaking country. But I hope someday @curie will notice me

Source: Check The YouTube Channel By Clicking Here
It’s a sad thing for me to learn about bitcoin this late in the game. I knew there was something called bitcoin, but I didn’t know what it is or what it does. But now I spend a lot of time researching bitcoin. Andreas is my bitcoin mentor, not that I know him personally but I check out his YouTube channel and follow his words very attentively. I would recommend everyone to check his channel. There are so many videos that I couldn't check all of them yet, but I check those every day. Little by little I’m learning more about this space as blockchain is a platform which can make my wish of working from home without worrying about time and punctuality and work whenever I have the need to work, for that I need to know what work to do and how to do. I have big expectations from Steem and hoping strongly for Steem price to reach the sky. Andreas don’t talk much about Steem, but he helps me understand blockchain and cryptocurrency better.

Conclusions: Future expectations from Steem

I strongly hope and pray that Steem price will rise high. Apart from that I’m here to stay. As long as Steem is breathing I will stick to Steem. I have future plans to invest funds into this blockchain and stay here as part of this wonderful family. Now I’m thinking how I can add value to this family. How can I contribute better to this space? What can I do to make it better? I’m thinking on answering these questions which I have on my mind, and I would be glad, if you my new friends can help me with these. What do you think about me? What’s your opinion? Do you have any suggestions for me? Do you have any advice for me? Please will you help me?
I also want to attend one of those Steemfest. When I see those photos and videos from Steemfest, I really wish I was there and could have fun with you people. I recently noticed @surpassinggoogle and his contest. I want to add this article as part of that contest, I wonder if this will be accepted and add some value to my Steemit account.

Will you Upvote this post? Will you resteem it? Will you give me some of your best advice?




Welcome on board, sir!


pocketsend:101@nee, have fun!

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I don't understand what's this

Hey buddy. Welcome to the crazy, but wonderful world of Steemit where the phrase "you only get out what you put in" has never been truer.

Just remember to concentrate on blog quality at first. The "real" money will come later. Establish yourself at a presence here on Steemit and let the community know your posts are worthy of their time. It will happen if you are consistent.

But judging by this post, I'm sure you will have no problem blending in fine with the rest of the "steemian community' here. Take your time and have fun.

All the best, buddy. Wishing you a great experience here on Steemit. :)

Thanks senpai. Your comment has very deep meanings..

BTW: "real" money will come later.

I had trouble decoding the money, can you tell me what did you mean by that line.

Welcome to Steem Community @nee! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here:

I find it very annoying to type passwords again and again.. So usually I let my browser remember my passwords and would use auto login.. is it a bad thing?

And I have written my password on a paper and kept it locked in a drawer.. Is it something bad?

Great Intro Post, Jerry is awesome for marketing Steemit. Followed you for initial support, hope you'll follow back. Good Luck on Steemit

Thanks for the support. I hope I will be able to learn a lot from you as well.

Hi @nee... Nice to meet you... Welcome to Steemit.... This is a nice intro post... Many people got to know about steemit from @jerrybanfield... He is a nice guy... your post says that you are a talented presenter... I hope you will do great over here as a steemian... Follow Me @onority

Hi @onority how are you today?

Sometimes too much talent can backfire.. Jerry is a very talented guy, yet it's very easy for making too much enemies. I read few of his articles and get to know how he was banned from Udemy and shunned from Dash community. It's only because of his talent that they got extremely jealous. I can see it's also same here on Steem.. I guess it's because of the talent which he has.. But as for me, instead of having jealous feelings for Jerry why he is making $10,000 monthly income from Steem while I'm making few cents, I decided to learn from him and grow my own talent.

I'm glad you liked my presentation, in the future I plan to write more blogs and hopefully you will read it and like it.

I love Steem and I owe one to Jerry for introducing me to my love 😎

I am fine by the grace of Almighty... I know about Jerry... He was betrayed several times... They took few of his works (took his first facebook page) but they couldn't take his talent.... they cannot earn 10 grand through Steemit, like @jerrybanfield does...

If talent makes enemies that doesn't mean you have stop using your talent... You have to continue using your skills...

I will read your future posts... I hope you will also read mine...

Jealousy is normal, since humans have unlimited desires and one of those is to become a millionaire. While he become a successful millionaire by doing not so hard to do things using his computer and Internet sitting from his home, many kept wishing why they couldn't be like him. But they could just try doing what he is doing, but no they just don't see the need for trying hard. Even I have that "ahh if I could become a millionaire" feelings, but I think we should first try our best and if we fail then we can complain ahh lady luck is just not interested in me.. So from now on I will give my best to reach my goals
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You know when you ask people to follow, 90% people will get angry and won't follow you at all. Just keep producing good quality contents and people will follow you on their own.

Welcome to Steemit my dear friend!

Thank you my friend. I'm happy someone called me friend for the first time on Steemit.

Welcome to Steemit! Much success to you!

Thanks for the blessing.

Thank you for sharing

I plan to share more in future..will you read my next article?

Welcome man...have fun

Thanks man..hows life?

Hi @nee, welcome to Steemit!

You wrote a very detailed introduceyourself post. Good to hear you found out about Steemit from @jerrybanfield. I found Steemit before I heard about Jerry, but it was one of his videos that convinced me to become active here.

I've learned a whole lot since joining a few months ago. I hope you have a similar experience.

I wish you success!

Great nee, i'm really sure you will become famous in here , based on your writings , you have the talent and this will make you a successful one. Followed you , hoping to see good contents the same as this one. Have a great fortune.

Thanks dude.. I just want to be accepted by the people of this community first.. then I will think about being popular or whatever.. Money and wealth are needed for human survival but the most important thing is bonding.

Yes , it is truly is, family is the most important of all.

Welsome on steemit. Your story touched me you have a talant for writing. I like that about you i see you very commited. That very important if you want to succeed. I want to give you a personal advice . If you make long post many people will simply wont read it(especially in beginning) i dont want to discoreg you just givng my opionion. What you can do isnted is to write multiple articles and link it together this way you gone make more people to read what you have to say. i hope my advice will be at use to you good luck buddy i will follow your journey on steemit, keep the good work you have big future.

Thank you for the motivation and your kind advice. Actually I been writing small messages since I joined Steemit. This is my first big article. I will keep your advice in my head.

Power of conection i am also not blogging yet been active for 10 days just conecting and making frends first. Soon i am going to start bloging. I wish you good luck.

Thanks again.. I also want to give you an advice.. if you want to stay and grow at blockchain community, you really need to improve your English as fast as possible.

Thanks mate :) i know that.

Welcome to steemit !! You look like an amazing writer!!Hope you have a wonderful time on steemit ☺

Do follow me for fun content!! @imhiteshgarg

Thanks..but..about following you there is a small but..

Welcome to Steemit!! That was quite the introduction, I feel like I know everything about you now!! ;)

Thank you dear mom of 5

Really interesting @nee :)

Hello, good to have you on board. There are a lot of Indians on this platform, you can join the #India chatroom on and socialize with our awesome community!

Thank you for the welcome and invitation..

I have a question.. Why would you invite me to join the Indian community? Is it because I said I like Bollywood or are you are streotyping based on the selfie I uploaded?

Nice to meet you dear freind, welcome to steemit, hope you are comfortable here,This is a new home for lovers
of bloggers and the best platform today,Very good intro,I like that,No forget to Visit my profile For Info and tricks about cyrptotrading.

Hello, welcome to the Steemit community, it's really great to have you here with us, i hope you have a great time here and achieve great success.
I would be looking forward to reading your post. Interesting introduction you got there and great pictures.
I'm @Janrotas, would be great If you could check out my page and follow back. I have some interesting write ups I'm sure you would or can relate to. Welcome again talk more later.

Congratulations @nee!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 44 comments

Thanks I feel honoured..

You don't have to trick me @nee! LOL! I have come to your blog because I decided to after you sent me a comment. I read your long blog and have upvoted and followed you. Welcome to Steemit! It's a great community and you fit right in. When you are here for a bit and people get to know you, you will be upvoted. Work on building strong relationships with the people who you choose to follow. Be consistent and try to post one good article per day. Be original and always site your sources if you use information or photos that you have found on the internet that aren't your own. Try not to get discouraged because you will have posts that only make a few cents or nothing at all when you first get started. Above anything else, spend your time on Steemit because you want to share, not because you are chasing $.
This is the best advice that I can give you. I wish you only the best. ;)