Hey Steemit! I'm Alexander, AKA "the Based Brewer" - Beer/Liberty/Crypto geek looking for my tribe.

Hello Steemitarians! Before I start posting, it seems customary around these parts to introduce oneself. My name is Alexander. I live in Southern California, just a couple miles from the beach with my 10 year old daughter, my girlfriend and her cat Eedie Pilaf. By trade I am a graphic designer and web developer... but in practice those are just skills that serve me well as a serial entrepreneur.

I joined Steemit and DTube to share my fortunes and my follies as I struggle to live life on my terms. However, I didn't think Facebook or Youtube would be the venue for it, as I don't care to compete with the muggles, nor dial back my language so as not to offend the snowflakes and thought police. And the blog section of my various websites need to be a bit more focused. This platform and what it stands for has my complete support. I look forward to making it my public journal to share all the ventures and adventures I throw my heart and soul into.



Since the end of 2016, after over 12 years as a cubicle jockey I went solo, resolved to embark on a journey to tailor my life and my livelihood around total independence, flexibility and alignment with my passions and values. The climax of this chapter will come when my craft brewery opens to the public in Anaheim. This is likely to be early 2019. Since that takes so much of my time and attention I have built a number of side hustles to keep the bills paid (most of the time) including freelance design and marketing, watch sales and repair, and other odd jobs.

My hustles: In order of priority

  1. New Agorist Beer Company - My fledgling craft brewery founded with my best friend. Our first beer hits the market in SoCal in TWO WEEKS!
    http://newagorist.com | https://instagram.com/newagoristbeerco | https://twitter.com/newagoristbeer
  2. M Theory Concepts - My freelance design, web dev and marketing brand. Currently accepting new clients.
  3. Liberty.menu - A website I co-founded in 2014 which is like Yelp for liberty minded individuals and businesses. It's free to join!
  4. Liberty Force - A comic book created by Podcast host Johnny Rocket. I'm the colorist and layout designer. Their site is currently down :(
  5. Moment at Hand (AKA: mAh) - Wristwatch sales and service.
    http://momentathand.com | Also sell at https://poshmark.com/closet/momentathand & https://www.5miles.com/profile/LRx7vXeXrD
  6. Squish.ly - An eCommerce site for slime and slime making materials which I started with my daughter. It is currently being revamped.
  7. Drive for Lyft when I have some free time. FYI, one of the best ways to network!



Fun Facts:

  • I'm mildly obsessed with Craft Beer (brewing and drinking), Philosophy & Econ, Crypto, Technology, Cars and some other things...
  • My family has worked for Mercedes-Benz since the 1890's... But I didn't go into the family business.
  • I designed the branding for the McAfee 2016 campaign.
  • The closest I've come to death is a freak golf cart accident, and I have the scars to prove it.
  • I have lived in 4 states from CA to NY and more than 20 cities (I lost count).
  • Am a peaceful parenting advocate. I think my daughter appreciates that.
  • I very much dislike posting trivial personal info on Facebook, and don't care to read about the minutia of other people's personal lives. But you Steemians seem to have some real substance... thank grog!
  • I consider myself a Voluntaryist/AnCap in principal, but am a Libertarian Conservative (Classical Liberal) pragmatically.
  • I have ZERO patience for Political Correctness.
  • My biggest influences are Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, Thich Nhat Hanh, Gary Vee, and Storm Thorgerson.
  • I've practiced Buddhism since I was 15.
  • I also started racing cars when I was 15.
  • I have been following the crypto-world for some time but have recently been bitten by the bug HARD.
    • Sold all my bitcoin to pay bills in Dec. 2016 (facepalm)
    • Recently remembered I had another wallet in 2015, so I reactivated it and low-and-behold, there was nearly $7k worth of DASH sitting in there... I bought $18 worth of DASH (then Dark Coin) at $2.30.
    • Am now using that capital to learn swing trading.
  • I use ellipses way too much... and parentheses (hope you don't mind)


Things I will be posting about: Please let me know which of these sound most interesting to you and I will try to do more content on that.

  • News and updates on all my ventures, primarily the Brewery.
  • Craft beer reviews.
  • Tips and tricks for starting your own side hustle.
  • Watch maintenance tutorials.
  • Social & political commentary.
  • My experiences trading cryptos.
  • Random art and design projects.
  • Oh and I'll probably be starting a Podcast/Vlog here soon.... Can't forget about that.

Full disclosure, I am somewhat uncomfortable in front of a video camera, but I plan on annihilating that issue here. So expect some awkward videos, and maybe, eventually, some pretty good ones.

You can follow me on:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/libertyandbeer Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebasedbrewer Minds: https://minds.com/newagorist Gab: https://gab.ai/NewAgorist

Well, I think that covers it. Looking forward to engaging with this awesome community!




I'm so excited to read about craft beer reviews, welcome to steemit and more power to you. =)


Hello, Alexander, and welcome to Steemit.

I'll admit (proudly) that it was the word "brewer" that got my attention. So, of course, I'd love to read reviews of craft beer.

And I was pleased to find more worthwhile content in your intro. I'd recommend posting on topics that most interest you and that you are passionate about. Some will become more popular and earn greater rewards, while others will remain only a niche topic and might not garner much in terms of rewards. Until you attract a massive following, that is.

As long as you upload high-quality content, and do so consistently, you'll do okay. If you actively curate and get involved in the Steemit community, you'll do even better.

Good luck. Full Steem Ahead!

I appreciate the recommendations. Still trying to figure out the best use of this platform, so that is definitely helpful. Cheers!

"Best use"? Definitely, promote craft beer.
After that, whatever happens ...

p.s. Partly in jest.

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Welcome to steemit! I'm new here too, found this post searching for the term "beer". Good luck with the brewery!

Thanks man! I appreciate it. I just checked out your profile. Great work! Makes me miss living in the Tahoe area... though I was down South in Carson.

Thank you! Yeah it's pretty cool up here. I grew up down there, Van Nuys.

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welcome to the steemers family

Hi Alexander. :)