Steemit Newbie German Girl in LA coming in HOT | @surfermarly introduced me!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit!!

I’m very excited to jump into this amazing community and FINALLY post my silly introduction! As I mentioned in my video I’ve been overthinking it the last days – nervous about how I could make a powerful entrance. Yeah, a typical actor disease. And then this morning I went: „No, Clarissa, stop trying to be perfect and just do it!“. So, I did!

And after filming I had this other great (??) idea. Why not going up to the legendary Hollywood Sign and take a clichee tourist picture to 1.) Show you I am a real person as I’m about to become famous...not, and 2.) committed to make this the best and most fun project ever.


Who got me hooked with STEEMIT?

My great inspiring friend @surfermarly was the one who got me on board. You notice the word play here?! Whatever. That’s my German humor. Talking about German, I know @surfermarly still from Germany. Good old offline times.

Then, 4 years ago, at the same time she moved to the Canary Islands for her surfing passion, I moved to New York City for my acting passion. And now she’s rocking not only the waves in the ocean, but the STEEMIT wave as well. (Check out her posts and videos – pure inspiration!)

And me? I’m now in Los Angeles rocking Hollywood. Harvey Weinstein and Co. Oh well, I had to make that joke. Forgive me. Back to rocking. Let’s see how much rock’n roll I can give to STEEMIT. I’m more than ready to throw myself into this new world full of creativitiy, fun and inspiration.

So, who is this @newclarissa?

I’m a dreamer. Following my dreams is the central theme in my life. Becoming an actress. Moving from Germany to NYC. Walking the red carpet in Cannes.

Meeting my teenage crush Leonardo DiCaprio. Uhm. Too much info. I better stop before it’s gets too embarrassing. It was great though. ;-)

So just recently it happened that some other dreams showed up besides acting. Travelling the world. Coaching other women to achieve their dreams. Sharing the immense amount of wisdom I accumulated in my long long life. Always with a touch of irony. Of course.

So I pressed the PAUSE button in my skyrocketing acting career and - whoosh - STEEMIT showed up. Perfect for utilizing all the gifts and skills I gained the past years to make my new dreams happen. Jackpot!

„When you let go, you make space for better things to enter your life.“

It takes some courage, yes, but it’s so worth it. Uhm. I hope so. Haha.

What you will see me post

While I usually prefer to keep things open to stay in the flow, I tried to narrow it down to the following topics I want to focus on. Don’t beat me up if I don’t. This is the moment I’m thankful this is all only online.

  1. Empowering life lessons & successful mindset strategies I learned from my acting experience, successful business entrepreneurs and spiritual teachers

  2. Manifesting tools I use to achieve my dreams

  3. New explorations like travelling to foreign countries, Los Angeles City lifestyle, new activities (Bungee Jumping, Skydiving, Horsebackriding in Hollywood Hills, etc.)

    My adventure trip to Kauai (Hawaii)

  4. Fun stuff (iMovie trailers, edited videos, silly&meaningful interviews, etc.) to let out the crazy, silly side in me (yes, Germans have that, too!)

It’s gonna be exciting! And scary. Knowing it will be on here until eternity. But that’s what I love. Going to where it’s uncomfortable and grow. That’s the best and most rewarding thing you can do in your life. Besides reading this blog. Lol.

Thank you for your time, guys. I’m looking forward to connecting with you.

Please comment any tips or advice you have!

Love, Light and Laughter,

Feel free to follow me on Instagram @achieving_mydreams & visit my serious acting website

▶️ DTube

Welcome to steemit @newclarissa I will be happy to see you one day in a movie since you want to be an actress. =)

Hi @purepinay! Thank you for the welcome. I'm an actress already, taking a break now to make some steem!;-)

Welcome to steemit 🤙

Resteemed this one, too - doppelt hält besser :-))

Thank you, love!! That's so kind of you! Have a wonderful day!

I'll go sleep now it's 11pm on my island haha I know you're in palm-tree paradise with view on the Hollywood sign (such a cool intro video, watched the whole thing!) and still have a couple of sunshiny hours ahead :-) Enjoy reading all the nice comments!

Haha yes, palm tree paradise;-D And you on an island. We must be doing something right...;-) Thanks for watching the whole thing! And now it's time for me to go to bed. SO I wish you a wonderful morning, @surfermarly!

Cool! You won't believe it, but I really watched your whole video and enjoyed it. Great to have you here and looking forward to your posts!
...und wenn du am "Hardcore Spiritual Shit" interessiert bist, wirst du bei mir fündig. 😉
Das war jetzt der Eigenwerbeteil... This message was brought to you by Atmos - enlightening people on Steemit since NOW! 😀
Deine lustigen Einblendungen im Video haben es mir angetan. Viel Erfolg hier und alles Gute!

Hahaha, you're right, I don't believe it;-) Awesome! Thank you for supporting! And your hardcore spiritual shit sounds very interesting. Totally up my alley! Have you heard of Agape? Attending it in LA. Amazing community. And great that you're German as well. That gives me hope :-D

I have to burst your hope, because I'm Austrian. So it seems as if you are still the only funny German out there 😉About Agape, I think there are many groups out there with this name - so I can't tell you if I know this particular one - you may drop me a link to check it out. Thanks!

You are certainly doing well since we exchanged comments and replies a couple of weeks ago. I applaud your grand entrance! Encore!

Hi @chuck2u32! Great to hear from you again and thanks for your applause! I feel flattered! Let's keep in touch. Cheers

Thank you for the reply and upvote! I will be watching for your posts. Take care, Fraulein!

Welcome! I'm excited to hear more from you.I Love your theme of "following your dreams" what could be better~Good luck here on Steemit :)

Aw thank you @Marniegaertner! Right?! Nothing is better than really doing what you love doing. I feel very blessed. And I wish you the same!

Your music was balanced a bit high for your voice. What are you using to edit?

Love good actors and Germans! Ha! My mother is German and my father is an actor! So I became a filmmaker! Hope we can work together some time.

Check out my site listed on my profile and you will find a link to some of my work. Currently have a short I am finishing up in post.

As much as I love comic acting, sketch comedy, and improv, my foray into acting in film wasn't very successful. So, I applaud you for making it as an actor.

Hopefully this new Steem Coin thing will allow you to fund your projects where you can work independently of the major studios. One of my goals is to fund a series completely with Steem Coin.

That sounds like a brilliant idea! I think the online world is perfect for artists to create their own content and get it seen by many people.

I edited the video with an app called InShot. This was my first time doing something like this. Thanks for your feedback. I will imrpove it the next time.

Good luck with all your projects and don't forget to have fun;-) All the best!

Welcome to steemit!!! Enjoy your time here :)

Thank you, Katrina! I'm sure I will!

I just follow you, I hope you are happy with me, and help me

Oh thank you captain! I will. Have a wonderul day with a lot of steem!

Thank you again,@newclarissa I hope your day is more fun

Welcome! You have a great guide, but let us know if you have any questions. I did some really bad amateur acting, but never went very far :-). It's a lot of fun but a ton of hard work and disappointments.


Hi Michael! Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, Marly is awesome. And haha, great that you acted a bit. It's fun and hard work. But the best is you grow so quickly with it as a person. I learned a lot in the last years and became much stronger than I thought I could be. There's always a bright side to everything;-) Thanks again for your warm welcoming!

Welcome to Steemit @newclarissa. Have fun!

Thank you, @uncommondream! I will! For you too!

go Randy go... keep it going!!

Welcome to steemit 🤙

Hello, Congratulation for make your dream come true. You are very brave to move to another country for following your dream. I"m agree with you that in steemit we can learn a lot of thing we can be better in a lot of way.(I'm trying to work on my English so i understand you very well) 😅 If you are coming to Asia and come to Thailand let me know😄 I can show you the best of what we have here. I can be local tour guide for free😎 Hope to see you soon.💗

Haha, thank you so much for your kind words, @anne-c. And yes, I might actually really go to Thailand this year. I'd be happy to get in touch with you then. I like your themes as well. Enjoy and see you soon!

Thank you for your reply. @newclarissa I will be very happy to show you Thailand. Looking forward to see you 😃 would be fun to make steemit together 😆

Welcome to steemit! :)

Welcome to steemit @newclarissa I will be happy to see you one day in a movie since you are an actress already
good to have you here
you can upvote me too

Hahaha! great intro vid and very clever. I really enjoyed your sense of humour, and you came across as being a lot of fun :). Very well done. Oh! and welcome to Steemit @newclarissa, great too have you here.