BULGING DISC INJURY: How I recovered and got into powerlifting

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

In 2013, I felt and radiating pain shooting down my right leg and was told that I had a bulging disc. At first, it was just a pain that comes and goes, but an accident happened early 2014 where I fell right onto my back and couldn't move for the next 6 months. I was literally stuck in bed, which immense pain and needed assistance getting up, getting dressed, going to the bathroom, things that were once simple task have became obstacles.

I was told that I had injured the disc further and it has become very swollen at that point. It was bulging at  L5/S1, L3/4 and L2/3 with an annular tear and  degenerative disc disease. I still don't really get those words, but all I know is I was in alot of pain with my hips twisted, body shifting to one side and I could not stand upright at all. Painkillers helped alot, but it would only mask the pain. 

In 2015, the pain got a better and I started going to a physiotherapist to help lessen the pain. It was very painful at first, but as I kept doing my excercise and icing my back, my range of motion started coming back slowly. I was still having trouble sleeping due to the pain shooting down my leg and was still waking up with my hips twisted. 

It wasn't until 2016, when I was reccomended to go see a chiropractor by my doctor. After a few sessions of cracking my back, I felt a tremendous difference. Alot of pain was relieved off my back and my twisted body wasn't as bad as it used to be. He gave an ok on starting to lift weights, and even helped me with my technique and what to do. In fact, I was told that doing these lifts would benefit me greatly in building up the core muscles and stabilizes needed to keep my spine strong and healthy. 

I started doing squats, bench press and deadlifts at the start of February 2016. I had trouble squating just the bar and was only able to do 40kg(88lbs) on the deadlift. At first, I had some minor aches/pains when I performed these exercises, but as I kept working on my form and stuck to it, the pain disappeared over time. 

2 months have pasted, and I havent felt this great in years. My low back was feeling good, I had no pain down my leg and my body was twisted and shifted anymore. Sure I still get some days where I might have slept or sat wrong and it made my back acted up, but overall I was happy with how far I've come. At this point, I was still doing these 3 lifts, and have made alot of strength gains in them. At this point I was able to squat 100kg(225lbs), bench 70kg(154lbs) and deadlift 130kg(286lbs). 

I was really happy with my progress and my chiropractor asked me if I was interested in competing in powerlifting. I never had much interest in these sort of things, but he told me it's good to go out and try new things, so I went online and started researching about powerlifting. 

There was alot of support and active people in the sport and lots of inspirational people trying to expand it. So with that I decided to enter my first powerlifting competition/meet. I started to research/learn more about it and trained hard for the day of the meet. I was very nervous at first, hoping everything will go alright and that my pain won't come back. A few up and downs during train but nothing too serious that would affect me.

The meet happened in June 2016, I was able to squat 145kg(320lbs), bench 95kg(209lbs) and deadlift 195kg(430lbs). It's not much for my weight category, but I was happy that I stepped out of my shell and went for it. The community was great, everyone would cheer whoever was up to lift and the enivornment was just awesome!

I'm really excited that I competed and hopefully will be able to do so a few more times. Sure my back is a problem and most people with injuries wouldn't take the risk of lifting heavy, but I rather try to do something to make myself better than to lay in bed, complaining about my shitty life.

Here are the videos of my lifts at the meet.





I have a herniated/bulging disc and have been seeing a chiropractor for a few years now. I just recently started focusing more on my core while I'm at the gym. I haven't noticed much progress yet, but I hope my pain will decrease as yours did. Yoga has been my only relief so far, but it only does so much. :/ Thanks for the extra motivation!

what really helped the pain and building up the core was learning how to breathe from your stomache rather than through your chest. Also try doing excercises that teach you how to activate your core. It's so important to do so even while walking as it helps decrease your hips from swaying as you move! goodluck with your journey as well man