Hallo Steemit,
Introduce my name Siti Khairunnisah, I am 23 years old and I graduated from Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic majoring in Civil Engineering, I live in Lhokseumawe city of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Indonesia.
I joined Steemit on 27 May 2017, I learned about Steemit from @rizaldamti, I am very excited to join in Steemit because I am a person who likes to capture the moments around me and write about what information I get.
From the information I get from @rizaldamti that the activities at Steemit are very helpful to the authors in sharing useful information and paid the results of his work, and I immediately want to join in Steemit in the hope of showing the results of my work in the form of drawings and writing May be useful for many people, and can add more insight to me.
Steemit, you are the best !!!
Languange Indonesia :
Hallo Steemit,
Perkenalkan nama saya Siti Khairunnisah, umur saya 23 tahun dan saya lulusan Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe jurusan Teknik Sipil, saya tinggal di kota Lhokseumawe Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia.
Saya bergabung di Steemit pada tanggal 27 May 2017, saya mengetahui tentang Steemit dari @rizaldamti, saya sangat bersemangat untuk bergabung di Steemit karena saya seorang yang gemar mengabadikan moment-moment di sekitar saya dan menulis tentang informasi apa saja yang saya dapatkan.
Dari informasi yang saya dapat dari @rizaldamti bahwa kegiatan di Steemit sangat membantu para penulis dalam berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat serta terbayarkan hasil-hasil karyanya, dan saya langsung ingin segera bergabung di Steemit dengan harapan bisa menunjukkan hasil-hasil karya saya berupa gambar dan tulisan yang mungkin bisa bermanfaat untuk orang banyak, dan bisa menambah wawasan saya lebih banyak lagi.
Steemit, you are the best !!!
Welcome on board from south of you :)
Hello and welcome to steemit ! One point to remember, all your posts forever become part of the block chain. Happy Blogging ☺
i hope We can be good friends here and share information and workThank you @arbutus
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Follow me @nisarunnisah
Hey welcome to steem, stop by my last post and help spread the steem!
i hope We can be good friends here and share information and workHaii @andriansky thank you,
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Follow me @nisarunnisah
Welcome @nisarunnisah to Steemit! I hope you enjoy your time here! Follow me @slayerkm
i hope We can be good friends here and share information and work
I following you now
Follow me @nisarunnisah
I do hope so :)
Thank you @slayerkm
Hallo @pal i hope We can be good friends here and share information and work
I following you now
Follow me @nisarunnisah
Hi @nisatunnisah! Welcome to steemit!
i hope We can be good friends here and share information and workThank you @clayford08
I following you now
Follow me @nisarunnisah
Selamat bergabung di steemit siti :)
Salam komunitas steemit indonesia
Mohon bantuan dan dukungan
Salam komunitas steemit indonesiaTerimakasih @aiqabrago
Saya mengikutimu sekarang
Mohon follow nya ya @nisarunnisah
Terima kasih banyak @nisarunnisah, kami akan selalu mendukung anda.. :)
Terimakasih banyak @aiqabrago :)
Sama-sama siti :)
A big warm welcome to Steemit Site. :-) Upvoted.
Thank you @flatrider
i hope We can be good friends here and share information and work
I following you now
Upvoted :) Follow me @nisarunnisah
Thank you so much and we'll share loads of different stuff over time. I've Followed you too now. :-)
Welcome, @nisarunnisah!
Thank @chem1cal :)
Welcome to steemit nisa..!!
Terimakasih @akiyoshi
Siti Khairunnisah!
Senang bertemu denganmu.
Saya pikir Anda akan menjadi anggota yang baik.
Tunjukkan bakat dan martabat Anda di sini.
Aku akan menghibur sampai akhir.
Siti Khairunnisah!
당신은 좋은 멤버가 될거라고 나는 생각합니다.
당신의 재능과 당당함을 이곳에서 보여주세요.
제가 끝까지 응원할게요.
Siti Khairunnisah!
Nice to meet you.
I think you will be a good member.
Show your talent and dignity here.
I'll cheer up to the end.
Mohon dukungan nya karya saya nanti :)Terimakasih banyak @lovedj
Tentu, cara untuk pergi.
Hello and welcome to Steemit!
Civil Engineering, huh? What got you into that?
Yes civil engineering
I think steemit is best to be creativity
I like write
I like steemit because steemit appreciates one's creativityThanks @shayne
Welcome! And good luck, hope to see more posts of you.
Me to hope to see more post of you
selamat bergabung @nisarunnisah
semangat steemit indonesia :)
Semangat komunitas steemit indonesia :)Terimakasih @anejosua
:D @nisarunnisah
Welcome to Steemit Siti! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)
Thank you @bart2305
Im enjoy :)
Steem on
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UpvoteFollow me please @nisarunnisah
Welcome to the community, Siti! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek