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RE: Hello Steemers! I am Seth and I have some good news to share.

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

Hi Cryptogee, here are some answers for your questions. The original Tile of Darwin's book is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," while in the sixth edition of 1872 the title was changed to The Origin of Species.
Yes, the Catholic church is racist, as they supported Darwin's book. The Catholic church has nothing to do with Christianity.
As far as praying to God, He enjoys when we ask for His help. As any father loves to provide for his children. Especially when asked.
Who said Adam and Eve were white? That is what is drawn into modern media. Again nothing to do with the Holy Bible.
An achingly long time, yes. They once claimed hundreds of thousands of years and now stretch it out to 4.3 billion. But mathematicians have discovered it would be impossible for evolution to happen over an infinite amount of time. A Creator must exist.