Hey, Steemians! First Post. One Thing We Already Have In Common...

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians! Excited to finally be here in the @steemit community instead of just lurking around alone on the internet, silently stalking people’s posts like a creeper.

Is it just me...

...or did you take a long ass ride on the struggle bus when you were trying to write your intro post, too?

Ya know, trying to make it all perfect ‘cause you only get one first impression?' And if
you screw it up, it’s game over. Yikes.

That’s some scary stuff.

I don’t know about you…

...but I need like, 8 practice runs, on making a first impression. Because I’m kind of awkward and tend to mess things up a lot.

But, really... who cares.

Perfect doesn’t exist (even though it may seem that way based on what people put out on social media). And, I’d rather be relatable, than perfect, anyway.

I'll even open up and share some of my flaws (if you want).

Heck, I’m probably sharing them right now…

...because my grammar isn’t perfect. Plus I tend to think faster than I can write. Which makes for an awkward mess of my fingers tripping over my own words on the keyboard.

I figured struggling with the first post is something we already have in common. It's scary creating something. I hope to find many more things in common, and celebrate our differences, as well.


Here’s a picture of me saying hi to you and trying to prove I’m not a robot or whatever:

I don’t normally like to talk about myself, because it makes me feel like an egotistical narcissist…

...but I promise you I’m not.

So, don’t run away just yet.

It's just that I heard I’m supposed to talk about myself on here, so you can get to know me.


Here it goes.

I found out about Steemit from googling excessively about crypto. And then I saw travel stuff on Steemit, too. Two of my favorite things - all in the same place!

So, thanks to @purepinay, for writing about your adventures.

I found you because I wanted to learn more about the Philippines (gusto kong matuto ng Tagalog). You didn’t know it, but your posts inspired me to join Steemit! So, thank you! Salamat!

The whole Steemit community seems legit though...

That also means you. Whoever is reading my post. Right now. Yeah, you. You’re legit af.

Some things I guess you should know about me, if we’re gonna be friends:

  1. I learned Spanish to impress boys.
  2. Realized I freaking love learning languages in general.
  3. Went to college to make my parents happy (and therefore satisfy my people-pleasing need for approval).
  4. Studied to be a Spanish teacher, because teaching is “stable” and it’s the “smart” thing to do.
  5. Spoiler alert: Didn’t use the teaching degree. At all.
  6. Forced my parents into letting me study abroad by switching schools to a program that required it... What can I say? "Sorry mom. I HAVE to go to sketchy Mexico! Or else I won’t graduate!”
  7. I fell in love with sketchy Mexico.
  8. Skipped my own college graduation because I just needed to travel SO badly and “Dad, there’s a good deal on flights to Central America on graduation day!”
  9. Obviously outgrowing the need for parent’s approval.
  10. Got a teaching job and was told to start in less than 24 hours... in a whole new city that i had to move to.
  11. Lucky for them, I'm the kind of person who's crazy enough to just pack up and move to a new city with literally no forewarning.
  12. I ended up sleeping in my car for a night and my new students found out. It got weird.
  13. Thought I'd crush the rest of my parent's hopes for me to have a good future and quit my job mid-semester to travel Europe.
  14. Came back home, then immediately spiraled into a quarter life crisis.
  15. Questioned my purpose in life. Forgot to use my college degree.
  16. Got another job, started a failing business. Then I quit, despite failed business...because I make great life decisions
  17. I invented electricity. Okay fine... that one’s not real.
  18. Tried business again and did slightly better than before. Now I work from my computer.
  19. Some years passed, and I thought “Hey, why not try to be a part-time writer on Steemit, and a full-time disappointment to my parents?”
  20. I move around a lot. Sometimes I live in Oregon. Sometimes in Guatemala.
  21. Right now, I’m in Thailand, though.
  22. Salsa dancing, art, photography, eating healthy, monkeys, alpacas, are some things I like.
  23. I sometimes wear these really geeky glasses. They’re fake (unlike me). I like to keep it real.
  24. I call them my "friend making glasses," because people talk to me when I wear them. Combined with my granny sweater, they’re an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Can you say, friend magnet? Friend-making outfit on point. I hope they work their geeky magic on you, too. Because I'm always down for more friends.

new granny.jpg

So, that’s it for me.

If you follow me here on Steemit, I’ll share some of my best traveling hacks and secrets. I’m also going to write about weird food I find, and crazy travel stories...

...and not just the kind of travel that looks perfect on Instagram. Perfect doesn't exist, remember?

I’ll write about the good, and the bad side of travel. After all, sometimes it’s paradise, and other times, you get lost in the jungle and almost drown in a mud pit (I'll have to save that story for another time though).

I'll also write about whatever you want! Just make sure to mention it in the comments.

Thanks for reading this post. I definitely enjoyed writing it...

...mostly because I think I got high off the permanent marker while I was drawing the monkey.

Leave me a note, and I might upvote.

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What a beautiful, happy woman 😍

aw, thank you!!! I somehow just saw this!! Appreciate your comment :)

Welcome to Steem Community the most exciting platform ever @nomadicsoul!

Tips: Don't forget to share this post on your Facebook page, Google+, Twitter and the rest. It help advertise this platform for more newbies. Bless you.

As a splendid reminder, Kindly ensure to keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

Remember to always post your best. Don't copy from written article online. Beware of @cheetah because she is ready to catch you, i.e, plagiarism is seriously frown upon here.

Don't forget to use FAQ to understand steemit.com well and to be familiar with terms used on steemit. Terms like Whales, Dolphins, SBD, STEEM, SP, VP, VW etc. Feel free to contact me on steem chat. Thank you.

If you are a religion post writer too, you can get more exposure from this discord channel.

To mingle with great Africans. Join the movement on discord now.

I remain @stevenmosoes and ready to see you at the top if you are ready to go to the top.


Thank you so much for welcoming me here and for the advice! I am really grateful for it.

I will definitely write all of my own stuff. Creating is the fun of it :)

I'm a little late reading this but wanna say it was an enjoyable read to get to know you.

Thank you!! Thanks for reading

Welcome and congratulations on the success of your first post!

Thank you for welcoming me! I appreciate it :) I've barely slept I'm just commenting and writing and getting to know people. I think I made some friends already, so that's exciting!

Wow, I love what I'm reading and it's nice to know someone who loves the same thing as me. Although, I'm not that of a risktaker as you are, I always try to go with where travels take me. Always says yes, when friends find a flight promo and worry about how to pay for it later. lol :)

I've enjoyed and really got to know you because of this post. Thailand is one of the countries that I'd like to go to in the future and I find you super cool. Will never know right, we might even meet here or there. now, I'm type, type, type.... lol I'm just excited to know someone who likes what I do as well. ^^

See you around. Followed you and looking forward to reading your next posts. ^^

Teehee, I keep seeing you around. :) Have an upboat. Boop, now you're at the top. I'm so powerful. Hahahahaha.

@cryptosharon I think we're following the same people. hahahaha ^^ Do you ever sleep?

I do. I should. I'm just not sleepy. It's bad for my head, very very bad. I'm already suffering from migraines and maybe some neurological problems but I just can't find the sleepiness to sleep. Thanks for reminding me. I'll take a shower and go to bed. It's 6 am already!

Uuuugghh I didn't post today. So sad.

Wow, your like a commenting machine. Lol I only do it once I'm done posting then off I go. Just longer for today because it's almost weekend. Have a great day Sharon ^^

Hahaha. I do comment a lot. I used to comment like 50 times a day. I got a great start in followers from that, and now I have 900 comments in just 30 days. My bandwidth suffers.

And uhmmm, I don't like being the last comment, I guess. I always answer.

Yes, I noticed it too Gina notifies me, :) Don't take it to heart if I don't reply must've missed it when ma at work. Enjoying our in and out convos here. We even talk more here than the chat. lol

oh man I stay up late like that, too

You reached my rep level so quickly T_T hahahaha. Shattering my competitiveness with a few Steem insertions! Where did you find so many bots? :O I only knew 1/3 of them.

Sadly GrumpyCat caught you for using bots that accept posts more than 3.5 days old. Now you know for future posts. This cat is a bit harsh. It also jumped on Gilaine once and lost her a lot of money.

Wanna chat? We have a Discord server.

haha you guys are funny

Yes, was a fun day :)

Haha I love that you say yes and worry how to pay later. I hope someday, we can all take an adventure together as a steemit family!

If I'm still here when you come to Thailand...I will show you all of the cool things I've discovered. If I come to the Philippines... maybe I will see you. I can bring you one of the cool things I discovered! :)

I followed you as well.

Thanks much! :) Yes, that would be great. Me, going there depends on my sister. Hopefully, we can do it this year. How long are you planning to stay there? So happy for you, you get to do what you want.

Maybe until April or May and then maybe the Philippines! If I go to the Philippines, I would like to stay a few months if I can do it with a visa.

Yes that would be great :) AJa! Just enjoy Thailand loads its a pretty country.

Great Intro :) you really spend a lot of time on that bus to make this great intro :D Your fun of moving around will help the community see the different cultures of different states! Hope to be seeing pictures from your travels.

Those glasses and sweaters did worked on me :D

Haha long bus rides are fun sometimes...hehe. I'll definitely share lots of travel stuff! Thanks for your kind words! :)

Awesome intro :D Welcome @nomadicsoul - upvoted, following! :)
Where is the next adventure? Love the glasses!

oh man, @travelmarcus I thought I responded to you!! Eeek sorry, guess I didn't. The next adventure is now! And every day. I hope you find some geeky glasses, too! Following back!

Hey, Welcome to Steemit! Very nice and funny introduction! I'm looking forward to read your travel stories! 😊

thanks for your kind words :) Made me happy. I look forward to yours...seems you like traveling as well :)

Thank you and yes I do, it's my big passion! :-)

Welcome to Steemit, fellow nomad. :-) I too almost drowned in the jungle, but when I was a teenager. In fact here is the photo that was taken of me after narrowly escaping an underwater death! It was the summer of 1993.


As you can plainly see, I was none too pleased. Because as I was struggling people thought I was playing and goofing around and waved and laughed. Oh sure this was scary at the time and I was mad after at my friends, but I look back and think to myself "Good times".

Anyway, welcome to Steemit! :-)

Thank you! This is such a great welcome comment. Haha no, you don't look happy at all. I'm so glad you made it out okay! Good story.

Welcome the community @nomadicsoul! What a charming introductory post. Your acknowledgement of the lack of "perfect" in life is so accurate and many benefit from hearing it.

'Grats on getting over the people-pleasing and seeking parental approval; that journey to realizing that YOU are the only person that can help you achieve a meaningful existence is a difficult one in today's society. I think I held onto it for so long due to also subscribing to a "popular" culture. Once I realized that there will never (and should never) be a one-size-fits-all approach to life, I saw the sea of opportunity to explore possibilities of what can bring me joy. And like you, I want to put it on the blockchain in the hopes to give back to a community that already has and will continue to progress our global society.

Looking forward to watching you eat weird stuff and helping me find my future home that doesn't have temperatures that freeze the snot in my nostrils when I walk outside for the mail.

"Once I realized that there will never (and should never) be a one-size-fits-all approach to life, I saw the sea of opportunity to explore possibilities of what can bring me joy." <--- That is so beautifully worded. I feel the exact same way.

I wonder how my life would be now had I realized this sooner when I was a kid, and just went from my dreams. It's okay...I'm going for it now.

Haha, where do you live that freezes your nostril snot?

I definitely try to avoid snotsicles.

I grew up in a place like that. Can't go back. Thanks for welcoming me here! I appreciate it a lot. It was scary to write the intro post, so it's really nice that it's already allowed me to find cool people like you :)

D'aww, shucks! You're cool yourself!

I live in Wisconsin.

A very great introduce yourself post! The more involved I become on this site, the more I feel at home. So I'm honored to have you as my Steemie! (Kinda like Roomie for Roommate,lol)!

Haha that gif makes my day. I'm glad to be Steemies! :) I agree with you. When you first start out...you just comment on people's stuff so that maybe someone notices you exist.

But all of the sudden...you become fast friends on here. Even if I don't make any money, I think I'll just stay here for the friends. I'm feeling at home too. I appreciate your welcome! Thanks for welcoming me like a friend, and helping me to feel at home here!

Great introduction! I really like those friend making glasses you have! :D

.because my grammar isn’t perfect. Plus I tend to think faster than I can write.

Same here! haha!

How long are you in Thailand and how is your experience so far?

Haha thanks! If you ever feel awkward meeting new people, you can borrow them. It's like drinking to be more social, but without the alcohol.

I've been in Thailand for 3 weeks...and it's awesome! (You ARE in India...right?? Random fact...my grandma is in India right now...)

I'm in Chiang Mai, and it's a great place with lots of entrepreneurs, and crypto lovers. There are 3 crypto meetups here a week! There are tons of cool cafes, coworking places, crazy dessert to try, nice people, nice weather. If you're planning on visiting here, I'll tell you all about it... I'll be here for a few months.

And I'll post a lot about it, too!

Yes I'm in India and where's your grandma at? :D

I'm in the south. In Mangalore and yeah I plan on visiting soon. Heading to Sri Lanka tomorrow, then I have a meetup in Delhi and probably towards end of this month I should be there.

If you are on Steemit.Chat hit me up. Would be great to get some info before I fly out!

Oh I am! I just keep forgetting to login to it. I'm on discord, too...which I'm logged into a little more.

Sorry I didn't get back to you before you flew out :/ My Grandma is going to several different towns...I forgot which ones. I think they are smaller, impoverished places. She went to do some humanitarian work with impoverished kids.

She's amazing like that. She did the same thing in Haiti for years, too. She helped so many people with their houses, education, etc. after the earthquake.

I don't think I've enjoyed reading an "introduceyourself" post as much I have this one!
This has been really honest, self-aware, and downright entertaining :D
Hope you have a brilliant time here on Steemit.

Thanks for the thoughtful compliment! Definitely made me smile. I hope you have a great time here as well!

a very good post

thank you, I appreciate it a lot

Hi, I still have yet to write an intro...

I also found steemit through my Googling about crypto.

Your introduction is kind of inspiring for me. Thanks.

Cool! Thank you! Go ahead and do it! It's a little scary, but I'm sure you have a lot of great things to share! Maybe you can go inspire someone else!

Thank you for the encouragement. But I doubt I could inspire anyone else, except maybe for my simple tenacity to exist...

I live my life on the edge, vicariously.

I'm trapped inside my house, and everyday is virtually the same. Like a goldfish in a bowl, my scenery never changes... it's getting harder and harder to find original books and movies to read and watch. So I spend my time online.

Actually, physically traveling the world seems exciting, though I could never do it now myself.

I like to follow those who do though, and to learn as much as I can about other "worlds" I do not have access to.

Again, Thank you.

Aw, you remind me of my brother. he stays inside the house, too. Having access to other "worlds" at least online is fun for me, too. Thank you!

Beatiful woman
Welcome to steemit
I will upvote you
Follow me @alfiadi

Welcome to Steemit! I like the monkey drawing :)

thanks! I always wanted to have a pet monkey named Roland. Not the kind that throws their poop, though. ;)

Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
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All the Best!!!

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wonderful introduction, great post .

thank you so much! that means so much to me!

Very cute glasses. Oh, I learned some Spanish to impress the girls, ha ha. I understand what you're saying. Lovely photos. If we were making a movie, I would ask you to play like a gypsy. Very cool. You know big glasses are very attractive.

thanks, haha goodwill glasses for the win. Best 50 cents ever spent. That's so funny you mentioned a gypsy! I tried to start a non-profit once called Gypse Caché.

Very cool. You are very cool. That makes me smile.

Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Also get to know more about Steem reading the Steem Blue Paper and share your feedback on our Steem Blue Paper Awareness Initiative
All the Best!!!


thank you!! so nice of you to welcome me :)

It's nice to meet you on Steemit @nomadicsoul <3 Love that cute into ;)

thanks so much @bloghound! You made my day!

Nice post You are also new its good for both of us I wish you all the best enjoy your life

Thank you! I wish you the best also :)

greetings lovely @nomadicsoul and most welcome to Steemit and onto our beloved Steem blockchain

p.s. hope you make many sketchy and geeky friendships here :D

hahaha thanks! Sketchy friendships would definitely make a good blog post.... I better go find some. Ya know. For the story

sure 'for the story', nothing to do at all with birds of a feather huh?

Sketchy stories in general always make good stories. It's worth going through the sketchiness sometimes just for the story haha

Wheeewww, you've been lucky with the votes you get! Very pretty posts too. Pretty pictures, a bit of an overused tag but it's gotten you some awesome gains. Also, for the love of god, stop upvoting everything. You got 10 100% upvotes a day, check out https://steemd.com/@nomadicsoul.

I'm glad you're having a good streak. I got surprised when I saw you're at rep 41 with only 4 or 5 posts. If you want to learn some nifty tricks to make your posts look better, check this out. There's some people who advocate using separators. I dont know about that, it's cool sometimes but I've seen that some people can do without them.

Anyway, I don't want to fill this up. There's a lot more to learn, but you're doing absolutely great, awesome start. Hit me up if you have any question, and if you don't that's ok too. I'm happy to see such an awesome start to Steemit.

It's hard not to upvote when I like something! I need a like button. I reaaaallly want to upvote this post but you just said not to upvote everything, haha.

Maybe I'll upvote it tomorrow...or hopefully, someone else will also upvote it... 'cause you shared some good stuff. Thanks SO much for checking out my first post and sharing advice and for offering help! I really have no idea what I'm doing.

Well, I guess technically it's my 3rd post, because I was trying to post on Steepshot and had no idea that it also posted here as well... and I accidentally posted the same thing on steepshot twice because I posted before I was ready.

Like I said...I don't know what I'm doing. Thanks again. You're awesome.

:) I find that my "like button" is commenting. But don't worry about your voting power yet. You're at 67% (check Steemd! I gave you that link).

You use 2% of your voting power with every 100% vote (meaning your normal votes; you can only vote at smaller percentages when you reach a higher level in Steemit) and it regenerates at 20% a day. This means that if you're at 100% and you vote 11 times in a day, you'll be at 98% 24 hours later. This means that ultimately, in the long run, you'll have to vote an average of 10 times a day to keep your power in a stably high level. I try to keep mine at around 80-85% since that means my votes give more money.

Your votes, for example, give out $0.005 right now. If you wait till you're at 95%, maybe they'll give out $0.009. It's still nothing, so you shouldn't care about giving them out at 90% or 60%, but try not to go much lower or it'll be really hard to do anything with them.

I don't even know what rep 41 means haha. Oh, and I tried to do headings but couldn't figure out the coding for it. I have lots more to learn.


Many have already explained it here but i would put my words too.
It means you had a head start and you are among lucky few.

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awww I enjoyed reading that)
Gusto ko matutong magtagalog cuteeee

kumusta ka? (how are you?)
salamat (thank you)

You are shining like a star!

have a lovely day

Maraming salamat po! You just made me smile so big! Gusto ko matuti Tagolog. I hope to learn much more. I can say "kahit maputi na ang buhok ko" because of the song... but I need to know more, haha!

You're beautiful.

Magandang gabi

This post has received a 21.43 % upvote from @moneymatchgaming thanks to: @nomadicsoul. Upvote this Post to Support the MMG Community on Steemit! :)

Heyyyy, nice to "meet" you :)

I love intro posts like this - with lots of "fun facts". I posted a "fun facts" article here the other day, inviting others to do the same - I think nobody did so far. Looks like you're not the only one who doesn't like to talk about themselves :) Neither do I, but a facts list is such a great way to get to know someone, I think.

Anyway, looking forward to meeting you in person soon! :)

Yay, so now we have 2 or 3 things in common already. I'll check out your post. Thanks for your comment. Looking forward to meeting you in person soon, too!

This post has received a 18.71% upvote from @lovejuice thanks to @nomadicsoul. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at https://steemit.com/~witnesses.

Wow, @nomadicsoul. You summoned so many bots. :PPPP You're a bit resourceful, I'd say.

You got a 19.86% upvote from @steembloggers courtesy of @nomadicsoul!

This post has received gratitude of 3.05 % from @appreciator thanks to: @nomadicsoul.

This post has received a 19.80 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @nomadicsoul.

Release the Kraken! You got a 48.84% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @nomadicsoul!

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 14.22% vote... I was summoned by @nomadicsoul! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

Hi! Welcome to steem!

Hey! Thank you so much! I really appreciate your welcome a lot!

welcome to steemit community.
You are clearly having a good start. I wish you all the success on the steemit platform.
Ya first impression is important. The most important is introduceyourself post. I hurried it and messed up. From then on it took me some time to catch up, by i did manage to do that.
I later got few my friends to sign up. They have not yet made their first intro post. They are writing script and shying a bit. I hope they post soon.

Thank you for welcoming me to steemit! I appreciate it. I hope they write their post soon, too! Good job for getting them to come here.

You just reminded me of my geeky glasses. Well, yours are definitely geekier but also sweet. :)
Interesting and funny. I will be looking forward to read your weird food posts!
Here are my geeky glasses:

haha geeky glasses twins! yay I love it! Thanks so much for your comment! I'll check out your stuff, too

Hi @nomadicsoul. You have a beautiful smile. :-)

thank you. I appreciate the welcome

Very beautiful face of this girl , I'm in love 😊

you're so sweet, thanks for welcoming me

I too wear mismatched socks and love traveling although I havent done as much as I woukd like. Looking forward to your post and welcome to steemit.

I totally want to high-five you for your mismatching socks! Thanks so much for welcoming me! I appreciate it

What an introduction !!!

I am impressed.

Keep up the good work

thank you so much @venusjain! Nice people like you are why I think I'll stick around

Thank you...it was scary to write the intro post so I'm really thankful for your kind words

I have not yet written my intro post yet, my life has been on the edge too,

May be I should write my post too someday.

I am following you !!

Nice introduction.You are an adventurous soul.Keep travelling and i will hack in some tips from you.

Thanks so much! I appreciate your welcome comment a lot!

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii!

awesome! thanks for welcoming me! I'm so happy when people say hey to me! Glad to meet you!

If u are ever in Hawaii, would love to meet in person! till then you'll see me on Steemit! :)

haha well thanks for finally doing an introduction post, been a long time coming yeah? my favorite part was you learning Spanish to impress the boys! thats awesome hahah and now well you know another language! win win! great content and the picture of the monkey is actually pretty legit.

haha thank you! This made me smile. Thanks so much for welcoming me...I appreciate it

Also, I signed up about 5 days ago...so not TOO long coming. Although, I'll admit...it took me wayyy longer to write than it should take any normal human lol.

Lovely crystals!

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