Hello Steemit!
My name is Noémie, i'm 24 years old and i'm french. I like dance, acting and singing.
I'm nurse student and i'm a gamer girl. I like blockchain ideology and i sign up on steemit few days ago. Steemit is really amazing and i want to help the community to evolve. I thought a little article of presentation would be good.
I practiced dance during more 10 years. I began in a little association and then I climbed gradually the level. I entered in a dance school, at conservatory of dance and then other dance school in link with a dance company. I did many dance representations as semi professional where i was payed as intermittent show. I bigan the dance at 10 years instead of 6 years, that's an inconveniant for have a real dancer job. I carry on dance to my pleasure.
I had singing shortly after dance. I did custom voice lessons during one year and then I participated of choral during one year. This two experiences have been good for me but warning ! i'm not a professional singer. I do it for my pleasure.
Last year, i started theater. With my experience in dance, it was more easy for me in this new art. I've done a show at the end of the year and i decide to take back lessons next year because i love it.
It's not all ! I play at several video games on my mobile phone at moment because i will build my own computer in few days. I will can play video games like Dota 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Lineage II and others games...
I live in Lyon, second french city. I will present you this city in an futur article.
Steemit community, if you have any questions, say me in comment. Thanks you for your attention. Kiss...
Noninene, what a nice introduction , and im glad to see a girl gamer on steemit!
I'm French too. I live in UK. It's nice to see French guys here!
Do you think you will publish some articles in French?
See you ;)
Upvoted for the #freckles ;-)
i love french women.. welcome :-D bonjour bonne nuit :-D
Hello and welcome to the community, nice kitty
Bienvenue sur Steem! On est deja quelques francais ici!
Merci beaucoup!!!
Pour info le tag pour les sujets en francais semble etre #fr (adresse https://steemit.com/active/fr)
Hello, here's some info that can help you out here on steemit.
Hi Noémie! Welcome to Steem
Hello Noemie,
How do you intend to contribute to the Steemit community?
Now that you are a member it's up to you to make the community bigger and better.
Hello dana-edwards,
I intend to write others articles to share my passions and help the french steemit community to evolve. ^^
Salut Noémie, bienvenue à toi :-)