I am new to Steem! Let's make friend with me and I will follow you!

Hi, Steemians or all friends!

My account just got approved! Now it is my first post on Steemit! I would read all you comments for me.

This is me smiling for you :) I like smiling! I wish you smile to me too!

I always smile with my friend no matter where I am!
Please follow me and I will follow you all back. I hope I become your friend.



Welcome all friends!
I will be posting more on Steemit!


Hello @numornsorm! Welcome to steemit! :)

Welcome to Steemit. I have followed you. Have a nice time ahead.

Welcome to Steem @numornsorm I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Glad to see you! I followed you!

Welcome here @Numornsorm! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

I followed you bro! :)

Hi and welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
If you would like to stay in touch please Follow me @Fshllc

I followed you already bro!

Welcome to Steemit! Have fun and enjoy the ride.
If you want to learn all of the ends and outs about Steemit, you might want to visit @probizranker. He has a step by step video guide for new people on Steemit. I have learned so much already, and I know you will also.
Good luck.

Hi @numornsorm, you are very welcome on steemit.
We can be friends too.., beautiful smile you've got there.
Followed you.

Thanks for kind words! I followed you back! Great to be your friends!

Great post!
Welcome to steemit :)

Thanks you!

followed. :)
I am new as well.

Nice to see you here! Followed you back!

Hi @numornsorm, welcome to the community. I hope you'll enjoy it here. I follow you now. Just follow @gangazz for some interesting blogs ;)

hi @gangazz! I followed you :)

great :)

Welcome to Steemit friend, I'm glad you are here @numornsorm, if you have any questions, feel free to ask here: https://steemit.chat/channel/general
I will follow you in hope for more valuable content on this platform :)

Feel free to have a look at my vonation (donate with the help of your vote) post, if you like to.



you look really happy! enjoy Steemit! where do you think you will blog about?
i will keep an eye out

Welcome And keep smiling!
Enjoy your stay here!
Hope to see more of your passion. May be we have something in common.
Cheers! Upvoted!

Welcome to the Steem Festivities. Following your blog. I wish you great success here on the forum. Cheers.

welcome to steemit...^^

Greetings of introduction and brotherhood,
Hallo @nomornsorm . Welcome and join STEEMIT, before forming a brotherhood in this steemit family how wonderful it is to know each other first, then my permission and permission @rebatesteem to introduce myself to you also. A name better known in this world of steemit life , As for my name in real life cup of Sharif Al_arkhan, addressed at, ACEH SUMATERA. My hope to the new steemit friends or all who first joined the big family of steemit would like to petrify the beginners, because the beginners need to be mentored by our older brothers who have first got knowledge, help us by way of criticizing and giving advice To us how it should be from various lines. And for beginners also do not hesitate to comment or ask if you need explanation about the steemit further. For a moment I think about STEEMIT (the day before joining) is not this a place where the place pours all kinds of ideas and creativity? Yes, in my heart answer this is the media where we can pour our diamond ideas in the form of writing that may be inspired from our daily lives and from the people around us and also from what we perceive, and here we also Can share with each other that will be a pleasure in itself, a pleasure that can not be described with our verbal, and the family should be sharing and hopefully this family remains intact and let success together.Thanks to steemit who has accepted me and Accept this new starter as a family, and thanks also to all the steemians who have taken the time to read his introduction,
End of word, thank you and best regards brotherly greetings.

hello welcome to steemit.
love from pakistan

Welcome to Steemit @numornsorm, you got a beautiful smile. Keep smiling and spreading happiness. Following your blog. :)

Welcome to this amazing community dear
Great intro, I hope you will enjoy steemit. Wish you to have a great time on here. You can enjoy my posts too and follow me as well at @pastorlea. Thank you and have a good one

Welcome...look forward to more from you soon!!!

A new Steemian :-) hello @numornsorm I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, Wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Hello @numornsorm Great introduceyourself post and photos!!

I'm @andyluy and I've been here for a a month, a can tell you that steemit is the most amazing thing I've ever seen at the internet so far. I'm happy seeing it grows every day!

I had some hard time on the firsts week, so I spent some time searching information to improve my experience with steemit, latter I've decided to make posts about those things in order to help the new ones to have a shortcut to get deeper on steemit.

here is some of my posts, I hope It mitght be helpful to you:

Usefull steemit tool
The Randowhale
Getting videos from facebook

Here is one post from @yoda1917 That i think Is useful to have a look too
just halt for a moment

I intend to keep posting useful info that I may be able to gather, and in a near future some give away. Feel invited to follow me and if you have any question about steemit you can ask me in any of my last posts, I'll try my best to help.

Welcome to steemit hope you enjoy it here!! Followed. Follow me back 😘