Craig 'CMOR' Morrison here, a musical philosopher, cartoonist and writer of ironic things... I happen to have traveled quite a bit, which was where I spent my college money... But hey, because of my foibles and occasional triumphs, I will have some really fun and interesting blogs posts coming up in 2018... Here are the highlights, off the top of my head...
I climbed Mt. Fuji... Er, almost... I never made it to the top... What can I say? I was 16 years old, 1989, and away from home in a strange land... And it was raining REALLY hard... My host family gave me the choice whether all of us would finish the climb, maybe a few more hours, or flee down the mountain... I chose to leave... It is one of my life regrets... I will blog about it soon!
I had a band called Tuba Buddha... It was Seattle, 1994, and anyone that could hold a microphone was being signed as the next Nirvana... I spent much of the time posing as the front man, but my real strength at the time was lining up gigs... I would throw multi-media events together, often becoming part of the spectacle... I do not have any recordings of this music, but will blog about the highlights somewhen in 2018...
I sang in the Sydney Opera House... Yeah, I know that sounds better than it was in reality, but I am going to save the tale for the blog... I will just say that my favorite moment in the Sydney Opera House was when I snuck away from my choir group and ended up on stage... I sang for about 30 seconds by myself, and SHIT!!! All the sound comes right back to your ears... The actual performance was second to that moment... More later!
I learned to cook DMT... Except he didn't show me the final step... Whether this was some hippie dude trying to keep his proprietary information a secret, or whether I wasn't ready to have a complete how-to on the most important molecule on earth, I will never know... But that's a blog for another month...
I lived in China for two separate years of my life... Each year was in a different city, and unfolds into a myriad of different blog posts... Some will be: Hong Kong... Yangshuo... Shanghai... Huanshan Mountain... Sculpture Museum... City life... Overstaying my visa... BAD FOOD!... Strange English... ESL Teaching... 25 men to 1 woman!!!
I made over 10 albums of original music... And videos, but to a far less proportional degree... It is such a can of worms in my head that all I can say is that over 2018 I will tastefully share some songs here and there... I taught myself animation to go with some of the videos, so many songs have their own fun stories... Many many blogs...
I went to India! While I was living in China and married, we went to India for a month, over Chinese New Year... I have so many fond memories of traveling south India, and I look forward to putting them in front of you... If you ask me where my favorite place is, in India, I will blog that it is Kochi or Kochin, or Ft. Cochin as the British called it... It is in Kerala, home of the famous hugging saint...
I wrote a novel... It is called Promised Landfill... It is about 2 illuminati brats who take a plastic boat to the great garbage patch, only to find an entire eco-system of plastic has spontaneously evolved from bottles of Emoto Water... I dare not tell much more about the story, except that it is 35,000 words, and I would love to begin steeming it, chapter by chapter... Just need a good way for folks to be able to follow it from one chapter to the next... Any ideas? Because THAT'S another 25 posts or so...
I lived in Maui... It was so sweet! Nude beach drum circles, fresh coconuts with friends... Living in the jungle!!!!!!!
I finally did get a hug from the hugging saint, Amachi... It wasn't in India, when the boat I was on went past her ashram, it was in Seattle, years later... Much crying happened, and maybe a poor man's enlightenment... More later...
I played Mr. Tumnus in a Narnia play... Horns and all... I can blog about it and have a funny self-roast, but I will likely need some encouragement to post a photo! More on that, if my followers ask for it...
I stayed in the Netherlands for 3 months, in 2012... That was so fun, although I was nearly penniless the entire time... I went to Amsterdam for one day, on my birthday, which really made the entire trip... There are many layers to how I got there and what I did while there, and I will unpack it next year...
I made The Eatles... Haha, after starting Artists Against Monsanto and doing several successful yet highly unorthodox things against GMO foods and big agra, I saw a need for a backdoor... So I took a bunch of Beatles karaoke tunes and wrote my own lyrics... I recorded about 30 of the best songs, and made a few videos for the very best... I can't wait to share them... The radio stations wouldn't touch them, for pure fear of getting sued... So they will stay cool, no matter how discovered they may become...
I have strong passions for saving the earth... But not in that send-a-check-to-the-nonprofit-organization, no way... I mean real people using new ideas to do new things... Community... Technology... Spirituality... Ingenuity... Creativity... I am likely to venture into idealistic territory, but someone has to... I mean, are you satisfied with the world we've got? Let's change it! Look for more of this over the coming weeks...
I am also a kickass percussionist... (Will this guy stop listing off his way-too-long list of talents???) No seriously, I am a better drummer than I am a guitarist... My teacher went on to be in Cirque Du Soliel, so that's just another of those mic drops I can list here, saying wait for the blog...
I smoke a ton of weed! Even in China, and Cambodia, and jail!! Oh my, I just opened up other cans of worms that I had intended on waiting for... This is a cannabis preview... But it is a lifelong story, and so will probably pop up more often than not... Needless to say, of the entire multiverse of Craig 'CMOR' Morrisons, I have always endeavored to be the one who smokes the most... Lol!
Last year I found out I am autistic... There is a blog coming soon that will tell that story, though I have ideas for other posts... Some will share what I have learned, after 11 months seeing my therapist who has a Phd dealing with folks on the ASD Spectrum... I will typically write about this topic from a standpoint that I am no expert, just a guy with some experience... Yet I feel like I could really help folks just learning of their condition... What a cool blog for later!
I have driven across the country over 5 times... Maybe more like 10... After a while, it's just beautiful country... In 2011, a friend gave me a camera, so I then began getting a lot more video and photography of my adventures... Several amazing pics that I have taken, I will share as I can fit them in...
Imaginary Records (2010) It was a wacky project involving the most talented of my poet friends, from several cities... I recorded them doing their spoken word, then later added songs, always intuitively... Lastly I made some quirky videos so folks wouldn't get bored while watching... All pro bono... All undiscovered... It felt nice when someone from the group made music for one of MY poems! More on all that later!
That was just a brainstormed sampling of what to expect from me in this coming year... Being an aspy, I live in the present moment... I enjoy things as they arrive, and I tend to not linger on the past much... Hence my making a bucket list of thing I'd like to steem... Because I read something wise once, "The greatest gift one can give is to listen... The second greatest gift is to reveal oneself..."
So I guess that's it... Writer, thinker, feeler, see-er, be-er, beer...
What's a guy gotta do to get some resteem love around here?
Great intro...thanks for sharing! Life is short, always live it to the fullest...Cheers! 100% Upvote and following...
Wow, thank you SO much...
Let's make this platform authentic and zany!
You are one cool multi-talented person. I hope one day to travel the world like you. steem on 🤙🏾
Thank you, sir! All I can do is follow my twisty path...

Everyone I meet, I can imagine living life inside their shoes!
Hehehehe...when money speaks. Welcome boss
I ended up spending this bill to ride a bus...

The driver gave me a funny look and raised an eyebrow,
but the hungry dollar machine sucked it right up... LOL!
My favorite is to write subversive activist messages on dollars,
like banning gentically modified foods...
Goodbye boss to share your list with us
I'm not dead yet!
That nugg looks good!
Every single one is the best I have ever smoked! That's the joy/curse of living in the moment...
Cant think of a better way to live.
Looks like a nice little nugget. Looking forward to hearing about your DMT experience!
Which one? Hah! Yeah, I have a lot to share on that, even though it is so tough to recall the events that transpire on those journeys... Yes, you're right... Probably I should start with my December 21st, 2012 DMT trip! For all I know, I came back from my trip into the reality where the world DIDN'T end! LOL...

What do you dream abot?
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