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RE: Hi steemit! I’m Ellie, a baker and travelholic!

Hey, welcome to Steemit! You are off to a killer start! (I'm pretty sure the vast majority of us got under $1.00 for our first post. haha) You have the right idea - scrolling through different topics and leaving thoughtful comments on other peoples' posts is the absolute best way to find yourself a following, and rise through the ranks. It's sort of frustrating how hard it is to get people to do just that, and that's what brought me to your page! I always check out the pages of people who leave me great comments, and so do a lot of other people! So kudos!

Those photos of your baking look delish, and I am definitely looking forward to seeing what you have to share. 😊


Hi @offbeatbroad, Thank you so much for such a great comment! I'm glad to know that I'm going the right way about using this platform and I really appreciate you checking out what I'm about. Although I haven't been on here long, I'm really enjoying the community vibe and support that's shared on here. Thanks again, looking forward to sharing more and learning from others! :)