hello i Olivia Dewi Nanda, I'm only 24 years old, I'm from Indonesia.
My hobby is Shop and write articles.
I spend my days writing articles.
I just found this website and I am keen to always be active at Community Steem this, and therefore I introduce myself.
My Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/nanda.dewi.52035?ref=bookmarks
Hi Olivia, welcome to stream. I hope you make it work for you. I think there is a bit of learning curve when getting started.
yes, I now did they learn
Welcome to steemit @oliviananda. Best of luck to you
yes Thank You
Welcome to Steemit. Stephen
Welcome olivia :D aku juga dari indonesia. Selamat bergabung dan tetap semangat ngepost di steemit
bisakah kita saling bekerja sama ..??
Tentu saja, dengan senang hati :)
iya terimakasih
Oke sama-sama
Welcome to Steemit!
yes, thank you
Welcome to Steemit! :))
yes, thank you