born and raised in southeast oklahoma, father to twin toddlers, one boy one girl, and another baby girl in about a month. married to the woman i love, and trying to provide for my family without getting arrested or imprisoned.
i remember during the '88 presidential election asking my grandma what was the difference between republicans and democrats.
whether they wanted to kill people before, or after they were born was her answer. so, before state indoctrination could take hold, i was on a path toward voluntaryism.
after high school, i made a short detour to the republican party. even voted for dubya. (please forgive me) but i'm done begging for masters, and i'm done trying to rule my neighbors by proxy.
i hope to make connections and learn from others here, and help spread the message of liberty.

hi @otis147 and welcome to steemit!
Hey, welcome, that's a good looking baby.
thank ya, those are my twins, at only a day or two old, and my grandma tommye, who started me on this path.
Hey, Otis! Welcome!
thanks, man. gotta get used to this platform.
Welcome to steemit! Great introduction, done begging for masters and ruling through proxy, this is how we win. Thanks for joining in the fun.
thank you