Hello there!
I love the Steem platform and had decided to sign up so that I can catalogue information on my two favourite things currently, cryptocurrencies and psychedelics! Yes, I said psychedelics. But I am not referring to recreational use, you see, I have been studying psychology since 2011 and have a focus to complete a PhD in Clinical Psychology, investigating the used of psychedelics as medicines to alleviate treatment resistant depression, anxiety and addiction. There is a lot of fundamental research coming out that suggests this is a very promising and positive more for society to investigate and I look forward to being part of the academic movement in giving these medicines the credit they deserve when taken in appropriate settings and with the right intentions. This platform will help serve as a place for me to park research and formulate ideas to contribute toward future research.
I also have a passion for cryptocurrencies as mentioned before but I found it difficult to get simple explanations on what this was all about when I started out. For this reason I thought I would also include information now and then for people wanting to get started and provide whatever hints and tips I can as the crypto space matures.
Looking forward to interacting with you all and hope to gain some followers interested in the field of psychedelic research, feedback will be much appreciated from any and all but I hope it will be presented respectfully :)
Stay tuned for more updates!