
in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

I have been lurking on steemit for quite a while now and am finally deciding to take the plunge and start creating content.


I am an aspiring investor and I really believe crypto and platforms like steem and bitshares are the future, but unfortunately I find that I cant get others to see the light! As with anything there are early adopters and I suppose we have to be patient... A flashier UI couldn't hurt though! (ahem, devs)

I started with Bitcoin, dipping my toes in the waters in 2014 but not for long, then kicking myself as I watched the price go up and up... and up. I did some research and found Ethereum and when I really understood what they are trying to do I was amazed at the endless possibilities that the technology could be applied to. However, reality is always lurking around the corner - I discovered how Ethereum (at least in its current state) can not scale for global mass adoption, at least not as a financial instrument. Sure you can create tokens but if we want something that can be used on a global scale by millions of people every day then we need something a bit more robust.

Then I found PeerPlays, and then Bitshares and I was blown away. Bitshares is incredible and nobody is using it! voicing my opinion on Poloniex got me swiftly booted, but I could not understand why anyone would hold their currencies in a centralized exchange when there was a robust, innovative and scalable decentralized solution just sitting there. Easily accessed through Openledger.

I see a really bright future for this platform if we can create an ecosystem like YouTube or Minds. Lets get some pretty SquareSpace template looking UI's and blog pages! Lets take YouTube, Facebook and Wordpress users and bring them here.



Welcome to Steemit @pawnuts crypto currency is a popular topic on here, but he is a nearly limitless range of other topics here too. It's the best social media platform around, and it's cool that they value those who participate in it enough to reward us with crypto currency.

Welcome to Steemit!

I think the problem you describe is one of the paradoxes of cryptocurrencies and revolutionary new technology in general.

The masses only get on board when lots of other people are on board.

It was similar in the early days of the internet - people just don't get it yet and it will take time for these concepts to infiltrate the common consciousness.

Rather than getting frustrated with it, we should just keep working on spreading the word.

Ultimately when cryptos do go mainstream we will reap the rewards by being here early.

There is still a long way to go for crypto currency.
Just remember, there's a lot of people still using Facebook, believing the MSM and using fiat at the moment.
It will change.
See you around.Welcome to Steemit @pawnuts25.

Welcome to Steemit!

Hello Paw, welcome to Steem! :-)

welcome to wonderful steemit...^^

Hi Paw, welcome :-)

I used to be a reddit lurker as well before I started using it properly. Welcome. :)