Hi Steemians! I’m Pablo from Barcelona, Spain. I discovered Steemit a few weeks ago and I find it awesome!
My main activity is Photography, but I’m also interested in this new crypto world, it seems fascinating to me.
I have an Instagram account (@pcusinex) and post there regularly, almost every day, but I find that platform rather limiting in certain aspects. My goal here is to share with you more than just one photo. It may be the behind the scenes, the edit process, etc.
Have a nice day!
These are some recent photos:

Wao.. these are really amazing 👍
Thank you so much! So glad you like them :-)
Thanks a lot!
Pablo, tu trabajo es espectacular! Te seguí en instagram y estoy ilusionado para ver todas tus nuevas fotos, particularmente porque están hechas en una ciudad que tiene una parte de mi corazón. @borderlesscitizen
Muchas gracias! Barcelona es una ciudad increible... Estoy probando a ver qué tal va esta plataforma! Supongo que la constancia será la clave! Un saludo!
También creo que la constancia es fundamental para acumular presencia en cualquier plataforma. Te deseo mucha suerte y estaré atento para ver más. Un saludo!
that last one is so dreamy
thanks a lot! I'm a sucker for bokeh ahahaha
which lense makes such nice BOkEH?
It's a Fuji 23mm F2 (35mm equivalent on FF)
Checked out the Instagram account and love that you have a consistent and polished style!
Thank you so much! Lots of hard work there xD
Hey Pcusine, strong pictures of your beautiful city! I'm an artist who is also new to this platform, shall we help each other grow? Saludos, keep up the good work!