I steemit on for a week
Your account is a day old. I'm downvoting because I think you're just lying and taking someone else's story fishing for upvotes.
I steemit on for a week
Your account is a day old. I'm downvoting because I think you're just lying and taking someone else's story fishing for upvotes.
Then why put me downvote? If you are not completely sure
If something looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck
Firstly, the right to speak like this:If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Secondly, what is this? Plagiarism? how could you?
Idioms are hardly copyrighted intellectual property. But at least you have some humor. Maybe you should post in #humor instead of piggy backing on other people's ideas.
Well, I'll change everything, what you swore, and most importantly apologize to the author of the article, about which you speak to me. I did not copy anything.
Keep lying! I am sure everyone will come around to your side eventually :)
I'm on steem a week, look a story of my account
I see the story of your account https://steemd.com/tx/5a35259d6ff2019c705ea5a91f3947734d9d8d30
it happened one day ago, but I said that I steemit within a week
If you think that we have a photo and a title match, it was an accident, I described my school history, to let people know what a thrill. You put me in an empty dovnvote without knowing the truth
Maybe there's some language trouble here, but I still can't help but notice the direct similarities between your story and @stevo's.
You're the one who doesn't know the truth, or more accurately how to tell the truth. I've got my popcorn :)