Indeed Brother!
If you feel so inclined, I would be happy to bring you on as a guest in the near future. < We go into this type of stuff and more.
Past episodes have covered: Governmental Factions, SSP, Agendas, Ruling Elite as Puppets, and then on to Psychedelics, Law, Universal Contracting, Tactical Wordsmithing (TM), inter alia.
All the Best with your posts!
Yeah, anytime just let me know when you want me to and I will come on. I have written a 480 page historical fiction novel covering the "illuminati" and I have the Titus Frost Youtube Channel, as for Alternate Energy, I covered Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (Cold Fusion) in my book and how it was used on 9/11 = IXXI. I also covered how Nikola Tesla's "Ether Science" is the basis for the US Military Space Programs in many videos but mainly in "Trapped in the Ether", and "Star Wars: The Ether Awakens" films. See below:
"Trapped in the Ether"
"Star Wars: The Ether Awakens"
Yesssss. This is exactly on point sir.
contact me further if you will at: [email protected]
We can work out scheduling from there.