Howdy, I'm Ray
Folks may know aspects about me, but those aspects are always couched in the terms under which others and I first met. Like my view of everyone, everyone forms a subjective opinion that is merely an amalgamation of their experience with me.
Allow me to clarify;
If we met through political discussion in public forums may lead one to believe I am an activist; though depending on the lens through which the other sees the world I could be viewed as liberal, conservative, traitor or saint. Many I've met in this manner may see me as either a mentor for advice, an adversary they enjoy bantering with or something in between.
If through work engagements one could gather I am an expert in security, storage and infrastructure, or specialized on one specific aspect of one of those. In former careers I've done everything from plumbing to liquid cooling, from handyman to CEO, from micro-miniature circuit repair through long range communications. The impression those I work with have is entirely based on their needs for the level of skill they sought throughout the time they've known me. To most I am simply "Trusted Advisor" or "Friend"
If through family/friend engagements; I'm the good son/son-in-law, the hard worker/lazy schlub, the kind or evil, overly strict or lenient father depending on your outlook on life, the good or overbearing husband or even the devious co-conspirator to youthful folly; dependent on what stage of my life we met of course. Or you could see me as the guy who paints, sculpts, carves, hunts, fishes or builds.
Since this is my first foray into SteemIT, I thought it best to give a 30,000 ft view of who I really am.
Ray @ 30K
The truth is I am simply a man who knows I will never absorb all the knowledge in the world; but that should not stop me trying. The act of learning is its own reward.
I love nothing more than learning new things. I enjoy learning new skills especially when most believe the skill requires formal training. I gain the most pleasure in life while teaching others the interesting and cool things I've learned on my journey.
I like to seek root cause for systemic, seemingly 'unsolvable' problems. I love a challenge. This fits nicely with my career choice; IT is complicated. Often, problems are introduced which do not show symptoms for months or years. Often the problem isn't even technical, rather, it is misconception of how things are supposed to work and the fix is nothing more than a friendly conversation. Root cause analysis is the base of how I make a living, so my perceived 'activism' is focused on identifying the source changes which triggered the most commonly bemoaned issues in today's society. Topics such as #poverty, #polarization, #drugwar and #corruption are common themes. I promote discussion of these topics to promote a more free world, but I realize I'm not likely to see the benefit of my own actions in my lifetime. I'm OK with that. I get a thrill out of helping others, especially when they believe themselves beyond help. I do wish that friendly conversation over misconception held the same sway as such a discussion related IT, but I've learned human cognition doesn't play the same way in different social scenarios.
I like to create new things. One could delineate craft making and writing, but I do not. They both create where something previously did not exist. I feel equal satisfaction #carving with kitchen knives to create physical art as using a keyboard and mouse to create video content as #sculpting a human hand or painting a scene from a place in my imagination. All are hand crafted no less than when I build #furniture, #snowmen or#opsec. Same with the creation of new medications as lotions and cosmetics; it is all the creation of that which did not exist and it gives me joy.
No matter the effort required, truly understanding a thing brings me great satisfaction. Every creation from exercise of the new knowledge is invigorating. Every chance I get to teach that something new I've learned is another chance to feel that thrill. It all makes me happy :)
I'll do my best to share a little bit of all aspects here. I hope you enjoy the journey.
Ray Wilkerson, Nerd