
Glad I could help! There are 58,961 users and growing. Everyone starts with a reputation of 25 if they spam or are bots they go down in level. The system for the most part self regulates so the bots don't spam. Upvotes you receive help your reputation. if you go to your blog page you can see more stats by replacing the "it" in the address bar with "d". It may start off slow in terms of making a lot of money but don't get discouraged it will take time, patience and work but it's better than other social media sites where you don't get a single penny and they get all the profits. people I would recommend is @piedpiper and also @craig-grant for information there are positive informative videos. As long as you make one blog post every day you will begin to build a following and if you get used to how steemit works maybe your subscribers on You Tube will come over and support you as well. There is more to talk about but I will leave it here for now. Have fun exploring this new social media site!!!