Blog Entry #1 - Hello world

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)
Music: Jack's Mannequin - La La Lie (West Coast Winter version)

Hello Steemit!

My name is Paul. I'm from the UK and I'm not sure how I ended up here. 

Perhaps it was a late-night, caffeine-fuelled web surfing session, an overheard conversation at a coffee shop or maybe, it was just serendipity. Whatever led me to end up here, I thought it was best to introduce myself.

"What should I expect from you?" I hear you mutter quietly as you read this. Well, Artistic stuff mainly, inner musing and a lot of music suggestions (I'll post what I'm currently listening to whilst blogging - in case, you know, you want to listen with me). I'm going to be throwing myself at Steemit as it's easier to setup than other blogging platforms and, I believe that Steemit has a great startup community!

I'll keep my first blog brief but I'm sure I'll start to write more interesting stuff on here as time goes on. I don't know what all the different blogging options are on this but, I'm sure I'll learn them as I go on! 

 Until the next post!

"...I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


Welcome prauk and hope you will have a great time here! I would suggest you to add at least one image to your next posts in order to make them more visible. Here is a nice guide for the beginners, I encourage you to read it, as I believe it is really helpful. Wish you all the best!

Thanks mejustandrew for the warm welcome!

I was trying to figure that out as I was expecting a specific option for it (the 'newbie' tag on the post should be in bold).

Had a quick read of the article and it does help a lot so, thanks for hooking me up :)

Yep, that it is not my article, I couldn't make it that good no matter how hard I would have tried, but I wish I have received it when I signed up to the platform and not to learn from my mistakes :)