Who I am
My name is Angelo Rodriguez, I am 18 years old and I am from Venezuela. I recently completed my complementary studies and I would like to study graphic design, as I have always liked to draw and the truth is that I do not get anything wrong.
I've always liked to share my point of view about things, once I found out about this incredible page called steemit, where I could publish things that I found interesting, while people could see them and voting, it is an idea that I found very interesting, besides that it would be a good way to introduce myself to the world of cryptocurrencies that for some time I have been thinking about entering this. You can also find very interesting and informative content on this platform, and that is something that I love, to be able to learn new things every day and with steemit I can do it.
My idea with steemit is to upload interesting content and to you too, upload informative and possibly educational content. I would like to grow in this with you and that you can help me improve.
Things about me
I currently live outside of my country Venezuela because of the difficult situation that is happening, my parents and I made that difficult decision to leave, to get away from our family and friends in order to have at least a sustainable life. we still do notlose hope to return soon
I have a younger sister, although sometimes we argue for really silly things, we consider ourselves very close, is my accomplice for everything and I know that always or in any circumstance will be there when I need it
For a long time I have wanted to have a pet, preferably a dog, I am one of those people who thinks that a dog is the most faithful animal. I have always liked the pitbull race, because it is a dog that intimates and inflicts respect, you see it and it is scary, but on the contrary it is affectionate, playful and very faithful, it will always take care of you and protect you.
My goals
In the future I would like to practice a profession, preferably be a graphic designer, design someday the characters for a video game or some comic that's my dream, but you never know what destiny has in store for you, you may end up being a writer, an accountant, or even a famous actor ... Who knows :).
At the same time having a family, a beautiful wife and 3 beautiful children; Two girls and one boy. Living with all my family in a big house, with a huge patio where my children and my dog can play, as well as a pool, but what I would most like would be to have a balcony with a beautiful view, where you can spend the day relaxing reading a book or just thought.
My favorite hobby is videogames, my favorite game is the gta san adreas and my favorite genre is the Shoter.
Read, I enjoy reading a lot whether it be books, comics, manga, novels, everything that has to do with this world. My favorite genre is fantasy.
I really like everything that has to do with movies and TV, someday I would like to make a short film or an animated film. My favorite series is Game of thrones and my favorite movie Good Will Hunting.
Draw: I consider that this is my true passion, since I was very young I was interested in drawing, first drawing anime characters then I went on to make more realistic strokes, a time until I tried painting. The truth is that this has always been good for me, that's why I know I could succeed in the art world and how passionate I am with this. Currently I have not been able to draw much due to lack of time but I would like to enter a school to polish and improve my skills.
Special thanks to my uncle @generausd who presented me with this innovative platform
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