Hi I'm ramengirl from South Korea.

Hi, 안녕하세요, こんにちは!

Hi I'm ramengirl from South Korea.
I learned about Steemit a few months ago and I finally just started.
I'm very surprised and imppresed by how many people are already producing informations in this format.
I'm excited to start my Steemit adventure.

Let me introduce myself,
My first Language is Korean and I studied in Japan for a while, while I also taught myself English.
So, I can speak Korean, Japanese, and Enlgish even if it's not perfect yet.
To learn Japanese and English I used newspaper editorials a lot.
And while studying, I realized that every country has a different point of view and diffrent conclusions for each topic.
I thought that's really interesting to me and I would love to learn more from international perspectives.
I'm always trying to find information from different countries and as many different sources as I can get.
I would love to write about new stories that I find and share them with you.
For example, I want to write about hidden Korean and Japanese political issues, local restaurants reviews, movies, documentaries, etc. in English but also I want to bring Western stories to Korean and Japanese people.
If you liked my self-introduction please vote for me and follow me ;)

안녕하세요 ramengirl 이라고 합니다. 이번에 새롭게 Steemit을 시작하게 되었어요.
저는 Steemit을 알게된지 얼마 되지 않았는데 한국 섹션에 이미 많은 분들이 활동하고 계셔서 굉장히 놀랐습니다.
외국인 친구들도 크게 활성화 되있는 한국섹션을 보고 놀라더라구요. 역시 자랑스러운 세계속에 한국입니다.
저에 대해 소개를 하자면 아직 부족한 실력이지만 일본어와 영어를 할 줄 압니다.
저는 언어를 공부하면서 주로 신문 사설을 이용해 공부 했는데요.
어렸을때부터 사설을 이용해 공부해 오면서 같은 토픽이지만 한국, 미국, 일본 각기 다른 관점을 가지고 해석을 하고 결론 또한 다를 때가 많았어요. 하나의 사건을 여러 시각으로 다르게 바라보는것이 굉장히 흥미롭다고 생각했고
지금도 항상 관심이 있는 분야가 있으면 각국의 여러 언론사와 포멧들을 통해 여러 시각으로 바라보려 하고 있습니다.
앞으로 저는 한국에는 잘 알려지지 않은 미국이나 일본의 숨겨진 정치 이야기 부터 시작해서 현지인들만 아는 식당등을 한국어로 포스팅하고 싶고, 반대로 우리나라 이야기들을 외국인들에게 들려주고 싶습니다.
여러 사람들에게 도움이 될 수 있는 정보들을 다양한 시각을 통해 Steemit에 포스팅 하겠습니다.^^
저의 소개가 좋으셨다면 투표해주시고 팔로우도 많이 많이 부탁드립니다.


i love ramen, but the japanese version, ramyon i like little less.
yet i do like bimimbap and lots of other korean food ;)

I love both of them! haha I want to posting review of Korean and Japanese food a lot! Please see what I will be up to :)

@ramengirl - ramen mashisho .. so I ate a lot
love that name welcome!

Korean, Japanese, and English is impressive. They say that some of the smartest people in the world are those that speak multiple languages.

Welcome to the Steemit community @ramengirl!

Thanks! I want to be smart person :) Nice to meet you @lydon.sipe !!

love the name! :) welcome to steemit



Hi ramen girl. I am also new here
Your name intriguing me.
Are you really that fond of ramen? :-)
It reminds me somehow to mukbang .

I do really like ramen :) Nice to meet you @irja !

Welcome @ramengirl. There's bit of typo here and there but your English still good enough. Have a look at this blog https://steemit.com/@abdullar
He's posting in Korean too. ;-)

Thanks I'll definetely check his blog. Thanks for commenting :)

You're welcome

Welcome to Steemit! :))

Thanks @pilgrimtraveler and nice to meet you ;)

Welcome here, @ramengirl !
Hugs from Italy ^_^

Oooh Thanks for commenting and welcoming me!^^ @silviabeneforti

환영합니다 ^^

환영해주셔서 감사합니다~^^

welcome, have fun and teach us a few korean ;)

yes! I will haha^^

We're in a special club, you know?
Those who posted their intros on "PI" day!

Welcome to steemit! I'm new also from Belgium :)

Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome to Steemit community :) upvoted and followed!

Welcome to Steemit @ramengirl upvoted and followed to find out more!

Welcome to steemit! :)

And while studying, I realized that every country has a different point of view and diffrent conclusions for each topic.
Right, but even within one single country different people often think very differently about the diverse topics. From my point of view actually every single individual is an own "culture". :)

Welcome to Steemit @ramengirl :)

best regards ramengirl. we are from Aceh Indonesia