A friend of mine, Mike McDonald, known here as @worldclassplayer, started talking about Steemit months ago, and I signed up back in March to check it out. I poked my head in every now and then, reading various posts – and a portion of the FAQ - and this is my introductory post.
I've noticed that many refer to the Steemit community as Family, which is very cool, as I see all of humanity as one big family – sisters and brothers from different mothers is what we are... There is No One that's better than, or less than, anyone else... Big or small, short or tall, we're all basically the same – all connected by/with the Life substance that exists in all Life – yet each unique individuals with unique interests, talents and passions...
In addition to recommending Steemit, Mike (@worldclassplayer ) also has been sharing a lot about cryptocurrencies. I've always been kinda stingy with money – 'cause I've never had much – and don't have the money, or expertise, to invest in the stocks and bonds system in which I've come to have less and less confidence, so I was hesitant to even investigate this crypto arena – this alternative money... However, having known Mike for about 9 years, I know he's not a jump-on-the-bandwagon kinda guy – that he wouldn't have gotten himself involved if he hadn't thoroughly investigated it.

About 9 years ago, the company I worked for terminated their pension plan, and my partner and I decided to take the cash payout and bought a little piece of land (5 acres – which is about 2 hectares) out in the country. It's close enough where I could still commute but, out of the mayhem of the city. I saw this as my retirement project...
Three years after my partner was diagnosed with cancer, she passed away May 2016, so now it's just me, 3 dogs, 2 goats, 6 hens and a rooster at the moment. I've been looking at sustainable options and would like to eventually be self-sufficient, and am interested in – and have considered - a variety of options for replacing my humble abode – earthship, shipping containers, and straw bale or cord wood construction, along with capturing solar and wind energy.

While I'm just a newbie - rather, minnow - I see the Steemit Platform as sort of a grass roots movement toward global change. Sure, there's the potential to make some money but, that's a bonus. This is a global community - people from all over the world communicating and sharing ideas, knowledge and information for the benefit of everyone...

Happy to be Here.
Thanks for reading...
Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same.
Thanks for the welcome @tinashe... It is an incredible platform.
Wellcome to the community!
Hi @eyal,
It seems you got a $7.0783 upvote from @noaommerrr at the last minute before the payout. (14.76h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.
potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of
My Man! haha.
Awesome Post Brother.
So Happy to Read You Here :)
Re-Steem'N this post :)
Truly Grateful for your persistence, Mike...Hey @worldclassplayer. Can't Thank you enough!
Always a Pleasure :)
Welcome to the community!
Welcome Randy! @worldclassplayer was certainly looking out for you when he recommended this community. :) Happy you listened, happy you're here :)
Yeah, I'm Happy I listened and Happy to be here. Seems the time is right ...Thanks for the welcome @flatearth... Gotta agree with you re: @worldclassplayer ... Grateful he kept bringing it up.
Hey and welcome @randykrafft!! Love the pictures man! Wanna see more in posts to come :)
Guess I'll have to be taking more pictures, then Aldin... Had to tease the dogs and goats with treats to get them in the frame... Thanks for the welcome, dude...
Hey Randy. First I liked your face, then I liked your dogs, goats and chickens. I have 0 animals right now because I live in big city but I want a farm really bad one day for me and my family. I even thought building a house from shipping containers. So I will follow and hopefully you will drop some knowledge on us! welcome
Many thanks, @vachemorte. Understand wanting to get out of the city... And, will definitely share what I learn - once I decide which direction I'm gonna go for a dwelling. While not a minimalist, there is something to that... I've learned over the years that I just don't need very much "stuff" . Sure, I want/need the essentials but, I'm pretty sure I can get by with less space and less crap... For my part-time work, I'm a (house) painter, working for my youngest brother and a brother-in-law. We work in some huge homes and I simply don't get why people believe they need so much... Thanks again for the warm welcome.
thanks Randy, I know what you mean. I get you and I will follow your future post with interest ! no bs I will. Cheers
Hi and welcome to Steemit, I such you luck on your journey here.
Can I suggest you look into the #minnowsupportproject - a place for newbies to get help and support as they set out across Steemit. We have voting bots, a follow train where you can get followers and much help and advice.
Drop in to chat at https://discord.gg/v3GpU4N and tell @aggroed I sent you
Hi and thanks for the welcome. I was reading a little about the #minnowsupportproject, and will check it out...
welcome to steem
Thank you @vinay-negi. Looking forward to Steeming on...
Welcome to Steem @randykrafft I have sent you a tip
Thank you @bottymcbotface. Appreciate the tip.
Welcome to Steemit mate! Cheers
Thanks for the warm welcome @p2npoison.
Your dogs are adorable :)
They are pretty sweet dogs, @raptorman... They're all escape artists, though. One goes over the fence, one goes under, and the little one finds a spot where she can go through... :)
Hi there! Welcome!
Thank you @havok777. Looking forward to the journey.
Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.
Thanks @goodaytraders... Agree that engagement is the key...
Sounds like you are having an inspired and courageous approach to this phase of life, man.
Me too, minus the "a lot" part. Going to follow you and looking forward to your posts, man. Definitely in the older half of Steemit users as well, I would bet, at 47. Peace.
@mikeill, the only disadvantage I have with my age is that I may have less time to 'accumulate' value... :) But, I figure I've got another 40 in me... Eat right, keep moving and take care of my body - and it will take care of me... Thanks for the welcome.
'Value' is a pretty relative term anyway, ain't it?
Indeed it is @mikeill... As with everything, it's a matter of perspective...
Welcome! You will love it here! I noticed you started in March. What took so long to say hello?😂
Thanks for the welcome @captainobviou3... hmm.... what took me so long to say hello? Well, I developed this pattern of hanging back to see how things go for others at an early age... In part, I'm sure, because I have 5 older brothers and, pretty much with everything, I'd either have to wait for my 'turn' or, I'd choose to wait and see if they survived before I'd try something new... lol
That prolly the way we should do it. Glad you are here.
Welcome to the community randy! Awesome reading your story :)
Thanks, Kim. Looking forward to expanding within this aspect of the journey...
Welcome aboard, Randy! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek
Thanks for the welcome @bitgeek.
Welcome to Steemit Randy! I'm now following you and looking forward to hearing more about your homestead and life with the dogs, rooster,and goats, as well as anything else you may post about!
I'll be looking forward to seeing posts on healthy living and natural medicine, as I'm also interested in those topics.Thanks for the welcome and follow @eyeofthestorm....
Awesome to see you here Randy :)
Thanks LJ. Happy to see you here as well...
HI Randy, welcome here and great intro. thank you. Following and upvoting.
Welcome to family :)
Welcome @randykrafft! I really enjoyed reading your intro. I completely agree that steemit is like a grassroots movement that can move us toward global change, and I think that it's a means by which we can absolutely create a world where all are equal. Beautifully put. I look forward to seeing more about your bees, gardening, animals and cooking as well. You have a new follower :)
I follow you. And good farm do you have