Hili Sahabat Steemian semua..!!🤙
Salam Kenal dari saya yang masih newbie dan butuh bimbingan dari seluruh para Sahabat.
Posting perdana saya di Steemit adalah PERKENALAN BIODATA SAYA;
- Nama. : Mhd Rauzi Fachroky (ozi)
- TTL. : Banda Aceh, 14 April 1983
- Pekerjaan. : Bankir BUMD (hitung-hitung uang orang saja)
- Hobby. : Yang lagi saya tekuni sekarang ini adalah GOLF. Semoga aja bisa jadi pengganti Tiger Wong... Eiits Tiger Wood maksudnya. 😁😁
Mohon masukan dan dukungan dari para sahabat bila ada yang bisa kita konsultasikan. Terima Kasih Sahabat Steemian.
welcome to steemit, good luck and keep working as much as you can, and do not forget to support other friends.
thank you guys thank you for your support and feedback. surely i will support all steemian friends. greetings
Selamat datang di steemit brader, ayo kita sukses bersama.
Yoii.. my brother we are brotherhood. Saling membantu lah yaa
welcome to steemit and cant wait to see more post!
okay ... i will post what will certainly be happy and my speech to you is nothing but thank you for your support and motivation to me. best regards brother
Welcome to Steemit @rauzi!
I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.
Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?
Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman
@inteobot thanks for your blessing support with @byColeman. Hopefully your hope and trust will be blessed and informative.🤙😎👍
selamat datang dan selamat bergabung dalam steemit.Semoga bang @rauzi tetap sukses
Siaap om @emnajourney tetap semangat pastinya om, mohon dibimbing ya steemit ozi. Baru dapat password dan senang minta ampun 🤲🤲
Welcome, Bang Ozi. Gaspolll !!!
Siaap ketuaa... selalu kasih saran yaa klo ada kesalahan dlm postingan 🤙😎
Asl pls
Jameun that ASL PLS nyan... Hahaha
Hahaha.. Pas jaman SMA bang
Ahaha... sorry baru liat2 ke belakang, eeh rupanya ada yg tanya ASL PLS 🤣🤣 teringat MIRC salah ngomong kena pookk sama admin hahhaa
Hahaha itu gara2 ada nulis TTL
Dimana ditulisnya..?¿ hahaha adek gk ada lihat kak
Welcome.... Saleum teuka lam Steemit....
Terimong geunaseh abangda @yaisardinarto semoga berkah lam tulisan geutanyo
Welcome and join in #steemit, may we can each other in cooperation in writing.
Greetings from Writers Acha | Nurhayani
inshaa Allah ... hopefully with the support of sister cooperation in writing becomes a blessing and increase