Welcome to Steemit, Aaron. Do they call it, "The Cornwall"? Reminds me of the instances when my father refers to getting online, as "I am checking on the line"
Welcome to Steemit, Aaron. Do they call it, "The Cornwall"? Reminds me of the instances when my father refers to getting online, as "I am checking on the line"
lol Thanks for pointing that error out, no it's just Cornwall. Managed to edit it before it's stuck on the blockchain forever.
Well, unfortunately it's there. On the blockchain forever :)
This is something I'm worried about with Steemit... If someone uploads copywrite protected material; They can delete it but it doesn't go away. This could be a way for some strange lawsuits in the future
Ha never mind, I'm going to have to be hyper aware of mistakes on here then!
That's a really good point. Copyrighted material posted onto the blockchain could bring about some really challenging lawsuits.