in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hello Steemian,

Bagaikan seorang yang baru lahir ke dunia, steemit adalah inovasi terbaru dengan dalam hal blogging, sama sekali berbeda dengan twiiter atau facebook yang saya kenal dahulu, di sini kita upload tulisan status berikut dengan gambar yang nantinya akan di upvote oleh orang lain. tentu saja upvotenya akan sangat bernilai sekali dengan cryptocurency, sesuatu hal yang sangat menarik, blog sekaligus pendapatan.  tapi tidak mudah untuk dapat menarik dari orang lain, artikel itu harus sangat menarik bila perlu dengan video.  jalan masih sangat panjang untuk bisa sukses di steemit, tapi bagaimanapun langkah yang panjang di mulai dari langkah kecil, saya akan mencoba, orang tidak akan mencapai besar jika tidak makan yang kecil kecil dahulu. saya akan coba belajar banyak dari steemit tentu dengan sering membaca postingan dari orang lain.  Adapun cerita dari teman saya bahwa steemit ada istilah ikan paus, ikan lumba, ikan kakap, dan ikan teri, mungkin saya masih plankton.  tapi itulah steemit sesuatu yang aneh dan baru tapi bisa juga menyenangkan.  

translate :

Like a new born into the world, steemit is the latest innovation with in terms of blogging, completely different from twiiter or facebook that I know first, here we upload the following status posts with images that will be upvote by others. of course the upvotenya will be very valuable once with cryptocurency, something very interesting, blogs as well as income. but it is not easy to be able to draw from others, the article should be very interesting when necessary with video. the road is still very long to be successful in steemit, but anyhow its a long step in starting from small step, i will try, people will not reach big if not eat small small first. I will try to learn a lot from steemit of course by often reading posts from others. As for the story of my friend that steemit there is the term whale, dolphin, snapper, and anchovy, maybe I still plankton. but that's something strange and new but something can be fun too.  


follow meWelcome to Steem @rimfo. Feel free to @kanasite and upvote. Cheers :)

ok i will follow you

welcome to steemit world . Always Remember 5 points..
1)Never copy paste content from any where ..
2)It can take some time but if you work hard , God will definitely give you success..
3)Never abuse anyone or post haterade content on steemit..
4)Daily post will increase your REPUTATION SCORE (number by the side of your name)
Reputation score is mainly based on upvotes and comments .
No matter what you post ,if it gets upvotes and comments then reputation score will increase
Don't let anyone flag you or downvote you..
5)Your first post should be your introduction..
I wish you success
You can follow me @be4u

ok thanks i will remember about 5 poit from you

Selamat @rimfo! Telah join di Steemit. Suka melihat anda join di sini.. telah upvote yah.. ;D