Hi , I asked about silver in your other thread, I am also interested in this statement here (I'm a Capricorn sun, Gemini moon, Leo rising and north node. I'm an INFP; a Projector in #HumanDesign; and a 9 in the Enneagram.)
I hope you provide me with an email where I can reach you with a few questions.
Its great to see spirits like yourself still exist :)
There's a lot in that statement, haha! I study Human Design, astrology, the Enneagram, and Meyers-Briggs systems, among other things. You can contact me via my website, but for starters, you can go to astro.com for astrology, and humandesignamerica.com for Human Design. :)
Hey, thanks your for your replies, well I am not actually a starter, and I am not interested in the full breakdown of astrology and humandesign, I do however have some specific inquiries regarding specific events that have occured in my life, and I was hoping I could understand the humandesign as per your understanding and try to relate things...
I am a truth seeker, restless spirit I guess, my sign is fire and obviously I am a Leo... that should tell you quite allot :)
Thanks for the links, I will check em out.