Hello Steemit

So..here goes nothing. I am back.

Picture 58.jpg

I would like to tell you stories about how 2017 was a great year and that's what kept me away from Steemit, but that's not the case. After my grandpa died right as the first @Steemfest was happening in 2016(reason why i missed it) everything went kinda downhill for me. I guess life decided i had enough of a good time, but that's fine, it made me appreciate the good times more.

And 2017 went in a haze....moving from one place to another, coming back home, trying to get my shit back together, dealing with health issues, depression, surgeries and dentists(still going trough some of that), mom getting sick (it's been few months and just this month the fifth doctor finally gave her a treatment), it barely left me time for doing what i love most, camming and bitcoin (As some of you know i have been a bitcoin cam girl for years now and involved in some projects here and there.)

As far as Steemit goes, i missed it, so much that i decided to try and come back. I don't know if i will be able to be involved as much as i was before(thank you @Curie and @Steemcleaners and all the other amazing projects here, it was an honor to be part of them and it makes me happy to see them here still, ever growing), so for now, i'll stick to writing and sharing small parts of my life.

As far as 2018, my plan is still to get my shit together, help my parents, help myself and slowly become more active here. It does look much better though. Now i only have hope that it will keep getting better.

Also, for those who don't know me..I am Royal Tiffany, bitcoin enthusiast, crypto-curious, cam girl and still a Steemit fan. If you would like to know more, check my old posts and follow for new ones(i'll probably be back with a post about the few good times i had).


The prodigal daughter returns ;-)

You were the most successful of the people I "referred" to Steem.

Welcome back Tiff! :-)

Ahhahahhaha happy to hear that :D and thank you :) It feels good to be back..

Welcome to Steemit! Good luck!

You are beautiful. Welcome back!!

well welcome back ...... looking forward to seeing more from you.....

Welcome to steemit! Ill be sure to follow and upvote your posts and would appreciate it if you could do the same for me. Have a great day!

Thank you :)

Hey, good to see you back!

Good to see you too pfunk!! It feels good to be back!

Welcome back! I too was away for most of 2017 and am back getting into Steemit.
Btw, I like your wig!

Thanks, welcome back too :D

Good to have you back
You're welcome

A warm welcome BACK from Germany,

Sebastian | @naanoo

Thank you :)

Welcome back. I wish you a good year and lots of strength!

Thank you for the wishes!

Welcome back @royaltiffany!

As i said before and i'll probably say it a few more times, it feels good to be back! Thank you :D

I would be eternaly grateful for checking out this post, as it is for a good cause.

Welcome back to Steemit. You played a big part in my early life here, helping with Curie especially. I did wonder where you had gone, and hoped all was well. I had a similar 'rough' time in 2017, but I wont try to compare. I'm just glad to hear you are doing better, and wish you every success and happiness for 2018 and beyond.

When life happens you just need to deal with it. Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the kind wishes!

Hi. Welcome to this wonderful group of steemit, I hope this tool helps your life better.

I invite you to visit my blog, here I leave my vote.

welcome to steemit

Thank you :)

Welcome back. Hope you find all the peace and love you need :)

Welcome to Steemit !!!

Hey Royal Tiffany! I’m Christopher, nice to meet you! I’m new on steemit but you seem like a veteran from before maybe? Also it’s cool that your educated on crypto-currencies, I have been studying up on the subject lately as well hoping to understand it deeper. Any way hope to see more posts!

Nice to meet you too Christopher!

Tiffany, I hope you are feeling welcome back here at Steemit. I'm quite sure the community has grown and changed a lot since you left, but I hope it did for better (:
Some situations on out lifes require us to leave what we used to do for some time, a time to reset ourselves if you want to put it that way. I wish you the best from now and on and hope that you can fix all of those things that are on the way. I'll keep an eye on your blog too :D
See you around!

I do feel welcomed :) And yes the community did grow and changed. Thank you for the wishes and i'll do my best !

I’m glad to reed that (:
Out of curiosity... Would you say the change and wrought was for the better?
No need to thank :D

Welcome back. Hope this year will be better for you.

Thanks you :) It has to be, right ?

You're welcome. It will be.:-)

Hello there,

Welcome to Steemit! You will love it all. This is a unique place where there is no competition. Instead, we all work together to help each other. The best way to grow is to have enough Steem Power and vote to reward other authors.

It is important to produce good content in a continuous way so you can grow.

A suggestion would be take your time to look for posts that interest you and promote them. Also, start by following the authors who publish good content and vote for them.

I wish you much success if you need help, let me know!

I'm following you as well.

Best Regards, @juniorifoj

Welcome back! You were still on my follow list ;-)
Damn, tough times indeed :( Glad you're recovering!

Happy to hear that :D

Nice to have you back on Steemit! So, welcome aboard and enjoy your stay! Already waiting for your next story!

And for your information, we made a dedicated notification app, called Steemify, we as @blockbrothers build this app. Just download it for free and never miss out on any notification!

Download Steemify Here:

And while you're on it, me and my fellow blockbrothers are also a witness as @blockbrothers. If you want to support us we would appreciate your vote here.

Thank you :) I will check it out.

Hey wow! Welcome back!

Thank you :D it's so good to be baack!


Welcome back. Always welcome back. Some people act like Steemit is some weird cult and if you are absent for any time, you've abandoned them. Ignore those twats.

Anyway, great to see you and sorry to hear things have been so tough for you. Hopefully you get stuck into things here again and can at least reap some rewards to make life a bit easier.

Since you've been gone, we have lots of new ways to use Steem.

Zappl and Steepshot, which are Twitter/Instagram style mobile apps!

Also check out DTube (videos) and DAudio! (audio)

I also think you might like streaming for Steem with @dlive

Thank you :D Thanks for all the info (i need it a lot), i am still trying to catch up on things but damn there are so many new things i dont even know where to start lol.

Welcome back to the Steem Wonderland where great things happen 🔥

It's a Wonderland alright! Lol

Ah great to see you back again! It's been quite a long time. Feels like forever actually!

Thank you so much! It has been a while...i am so happy to be back.

Hi there!!! It's my pleasure to meet you :) WELCOME TO @steemitcommunity :)
Please visit my blog to know about me :)


Hey Tiffany! I'm sorry you had to endure a lot of difficulties over the past year. But i'm glad you made it out and have faced them bravely. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandpa.

We missed you at Curie and Steemcleaners but on a personal note I'm now thrilled to have you back on Steemit! :)

Thank you so much :)

Hi @royaltiffany, welcome back to Steemit.

Love the shirt and the blue hair.