Hello World!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hi there!
My name is Ryan Boselo. I am 25 years old and currently living in Sweden.

I enjoy discussing markets, finance, and crypto-assets. When I am not in a heated debate about any of those topics you can find me at the gym or having some Fike with friends :).

I was born and raised in southern California where I lived the prototypical orange county life. When I was younger my days largely consisted of skateboarding, surfing, and sports. I did anything I could to enjoy the amazing orange country weather.


I soon became obsessed with sports, I played football, soccer, golf, basketball, and more prominently baseball. Entering high school baseball was my life. I lived and breathed for the thrill of the game, often spending entire days at batting cages. I was living and dreaming of one day becoming a professional baseball player. I think what drove me the most to practice so hard was the competition. Something that I still miss dearly to this day.


Eventually, this competitive drive is what took me to Orange Coast College when I played for two and a half years. Unfortunately, that time of my life turned out to be very tumultuous. My parents had fallen on hard times and I was forced to get a job. As I’m sure many of you may know balancing life with a full-time job, being a full-time student and also being a collegiate athlete can really take its toll. Compounding these hard times I encountered the first real loss of a dear friend. At most times during my childhood, he was my best friend. My brown Labrador, Buck, of eleven years died of tumor.

I can still remember the text message I received from my dad and the instant explosion of emotions that flowed over me. I struggled to cope with this loss, not being able to say goodbye was hard, but what was even more difficult was the loss of his companionship. So, when only a few weeks later I was informed that I would no longer be needed on the pitching staff of OCC I felt I had reached a tipping point.

It was during this dark period of my life that I realized that I was the only one who could take control of my future. I could no longer blame others for what had come to fruition, my baseball career was over and it was time to take on a new chapter of my life.

I started working hard, both at work and in school. With all the time I had saved from not playing baseball my grades quickly improved. It was the end of the fall semester in 2013 and I was only one semester away from receiving my associate’s degree. Unfortunately being cut from the baseball team had come at an inopportune time and I had narrowly missed the in-state application period for four-year universities. Regardless of this setback, I knew I still had plenty of great options at out of state institutions. So I sent my applications out and in late spring of 2014, I received my acceptance to the University of Arizona. This was a very exciting moment and a turning point in my life. I knew that if I could surround myself with like-minded, motivated individuals I would achieve my goals.

The University of Arizona

Fast-forward two years and I had finally made it to graduation. The culmination of my experiences at the University of Arizona. I was able to learn so much about the world, meet so many intelligent, creative and impactful people and really learn who I was, what drove me to work harder and become a better person. My time at the University of Arizona was nothing short of exceptional.

Love and Adventure

One of the best things that happened to me while at the University of Arizona was falling in love with my girlfriend, Sabina. We have been together for a little over three years and have shared some life-changing experiences. From when we first met in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the summer of 2014… to graduating college… to our current move to Sweden. The things I have learned from Sabina about life, love, and happiness will stay with me forever.

So, in conclusion, I would say that over these past 25 years I have learned many lessons on how to love, work, play, succeed and most importantly fail. I believe that failure can be the cornerstone of success. Failure will teach you more than any amount of success can and I know that if and when I do become my own version of success I will be humble, I will give more than I receive and most importantly I will be thankful for the long journey ahead.

The Future

I have somewhat of an obsessive-compulsive personality. At times it can be to my detriment, while in other circumstances - I flourish.

Currently, I have become infatuated with crypto-assets. I am spending most of my time really trying to understand their value proposition. With all the hype this new technology has received over the past year It is only rational to question its significance. My plan is to dive deep into these crypto-assets and pick apart the 3-5 things that each is promising to deliver. My posts will be in the form of article and videos. You can stay up to date on my life and blog posts through the following platforms:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ryan_Boselo
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@ryanbo
SeekingAlpha: https://seekingalpha.com/author/ryan-boselo/articles#regular_articles

All the best,



Hi, welcome to steemit Ryan hope everything is doing great with you. I love reading your introduction it is full of emotion and passion. I wish you all the luck and welcone again. :)

Hey purepinay,

Thanks for reading and the good luck :)

Welcome to Steemit Ryan! I love how beautifully you have put across your life in this blog! Looking forward to reading more from you

Thanks! Really happy to be here.

welcome~~ @ryanbo

Thanks mona-eats, its good to be here!

Welcome Ryan
Lots of good discussions of crypto here

Thank you. I am excited to share a learn more about this nascent space.

Hey Ryan! Nice post! Welcome to Steemit!

Hey alketcecaj! Thanks for the welcome. Good to be here :)

Hi there @ryanbo I will follow your articles! Go for the most undiscovered coins ;) thanks mate!

Hey thepassenger,

The current plan is to start with some of the most popular coins and then expand from there once I have a consistent and fool-proof framework.


Cool! Got my follow! :)

Welcome to steemit! Cool to see more Scandinavians coming on :)

Thanks @fredrikaa, nice to join such an active community!

welcome brother.

Thanks, @abdulmanan. It's good to be here :)

yeah, hope you have a nice time here :)

Hi Ryan,
Welcome to steemit. Very friendly post rich with information. Nice to see you've been living a very colourful life. Looking forward to seeing your posts.

Hey @notfromparis, thanks for such a thoughtful comment :)
