Hello everyone ! Glad to be on steemit.im looking forward to posting stuff on scuba diving and martial arts 🙂 I'm still learning how to use steemit so bear with me .
Hello everyone ! Glad to be on steemit.im looking forward to posting stuff on scuba diving and martial arts 🙂 I'm still learning how to use steemit so bear with me .
Hi!!! Welcome to steemit fellow diver!
Thanks 🙂
Welcome on steemit @sagasa68, stay awesome. By the way I had something to tell about Bunos Stuff!
You may now get you're virtual fish or ERC-721 crypto token stored on the Ethereum blockchain here http://my.fishbank.io/ for free.
Cool ! thanks 👍🏻
Successful Send of 101
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Receiving Account: sagasa68
New sending account balance: 3942605
New receiving account balance: 100
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 1e77bee277a20622ffca9baa853238c0afb8ed95
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Successful Send of 101
Sending Account: cloudspyder
Receiving Account: sagasa68
New sending account balance: 3942605
New receiving account balance: 100
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 1e77bee277a20622ffca9baa853238c0afb8ed95
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