Hey @danielshortell thank you so much! Very cool, I'd love to check out some of your fiction. Any particular pieces you think are really spectacular?
To get a little deeper into the spirituality element, I've experienced satori, or temporary enlightenment, a couple of times. It was truly an amazing experience. Hence my name, haha :-) The latest time, it was after reading the book I mentioned, The Power of Now, a few weeks ago. It was like being a deep, calm ocean. Events that happened to you or nearby were like soft waves on top of that ocean, they did nothing that really affected the tranquility beneath. It was a superlative feeling. I'll be devoting some posts to stuff like that, for sure.
See you around :)
Well, I don't have a ton posted up just yet, so take a peek and see if a title happens to fit your fancy. I like to keep realities idiosyncratic, open to interpretation, when writing. If it doesn't make you sit back and think, then you probably wasted your time reading it :) (or at least this is my approach when crafting stories)
Very cool abt the satori, would be interested to read more about the events leading up to the experience. I began a few years ago with meditation (originally as a means of exiting psych meds) and it has been an excellent experience. It is a journey that I'd like to keep expanding on and growing into. Never had anything I would call temp. enlightenment, but I have def found a mechanism for calming my mind and achieving previously unreachable levels of clarity. peace!